Game of Thrones season eight will finally give viewers the answers they’ve been looking for ever since the series began.

Who will end up on the Iron Throne? How will the Night King be defeated? Will they even be able to defeat him? Will Jon Snow’s (played by Kit Harington) true lineage be revealed?

All these questions, and more, will hopefully be answered in season eight.

Fans have been coming up with their own theories on how the whole show will end, and here are five of the very best.

Walkers beyond The Wall

The first and arguably most symbolic theory out there on how the series will end suggests three rangers from the Night’s Watch will go beyond The Wall.

They’ll all be huddled around a fire, telling stories of the heroes of old: The White Wolf, Jaime Goldenhand, Brienne the Beauty, The Imp of Casterly Rock, the Mother of Dragons, The Mad Queen, and Bran the Greenseer.

However, they also start to debate whether the White Walkers even existed or if they were just a myth.

That’s when they realise the woods have become eerily silent and they then hear a noise.

The Night’s Watchmen assume it’s wildlings and they prepare for battle, yet they soon find out it’s something much worse.

Instead of the wildlings, the Night’s Watchmen see a solitary White Walker walk slowly towards them, and it’s followed by another, and another, and another.

This would be in many respects a return to the beginning and would make for an exciting ending.

Game of Thrones season 8 ending: 5 theories on how George RR Martin’s series will end

Game of Thrones season 8 ending: 5 theories on how George RR Martin’s series will end (Image: HBO)

Game of Thrones season 8 ending: 5 theories on how the HBO series will end

Game of Thrones season 8 ending: The Night King with his Army of the Dead (Image: HBO)

A new wall

Another theory gaining traction online is the idea a new wall will be built to keep out the walkers.

However, this won’t be any ordinary wall – this will be a wall made out of dragonglass.

Dragonglass is deadly to White Walkers and would mean they would be trapped.

This theory came after the new teaser trailer for season eight.

The trailer comes to an end with the waves of ice and fire meeting in the middle and a large crystal emerging from the ground.

It looks like this crystal could be dragonglass, the substance which is deadly to White Walkers.

Game of Thrones season 8 ending: A dragonglass wall to emerge?

Game of Thrones season 8 ending: A dragonglass wall to emerge? (Image: HBO)

Jon Snow destroys the Iron Throne

Another theory making its rounds online was actually suggested by one of the show’s former stars, Finn Jones.

He suggested Jon won’t end up taking the Iron Throne and it’ll end in a rather bleak manner.

Finn believes the throne will be abolished and it’ll be replaced with a more democratic method of ruling.

“I basically don’t think there’ll be a throne anymore and I don’t think they’ll be a centralised seat of power,” he told

“I think power will be given back to the individual kingdoms and more of a democratic rule.”

Game of Thrones season 8 ending: Could the Iron Throne be abolished?

Game of Thrones season 8 ending: Could the Iron Throne be abolished? (Image: HBO)

Khal Drogo returns

Khal Drogo (played by Jason Momoa) is embroiled in another wild theory.

Khal was the leader of the Dothraki, yet he died in the first season of the show after one of his own men wounded him, but the theory suggests the Red Priests will resurrect him to battle against the White Walkers.

While Drogo’s return would be an incredible finale for Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) and her narrative, Jason told Digital Spy he had not filmed any scenes for the warlord.

He told them: “Yeah… he’s not coming back. Nine years now, let him go.”

As hearts break over the resounding “no” Jason gave, he did at least explain what the issue would be if he were to return.

Jason continued: “It’d be a very short series [with Drogo alive].

“Two seasons, he crosses the water and kills everyone. It’s no good if he comes back.”

Game of Thrones season 8 ending: Will Khal Drogo make a return?

Game of Thrones season 8 ending: Will Khal Drogo make a return? (Image: HBO)

Everyone dies

This final theory is easily the bleakest and most upsetting theory, yet given Game of Thrones’ history in killing off characters it wouldn’t come as much of a surprise.

This theory suggests everybody will die in a huge battle sequence, and a huge void will be left.

Things could just go back to the way they were with all the key players having died in a brutal battle.

It would also demonstrate the show is bigger than its main characters.

Fans would be distraught if this were to be the case, and given the fact that the battle supposedly isn’t taking place at the end of season eight, it would leave a whole third of the final season somewhat void of characters.

Game of Thrones season eight concludes next year on HBO.



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