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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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  1. I somehow doubt D & D are clever enough to come up with this. If Season 7 is anything to go by, Cersei will be the best schemer who ever schemed and Euron will be her loyal lapdog.

  2. We saw that Cersei would “ end it “ during the battle of. Blackwater. So I agree with this theory. Her driving force is not self preservation. She has achieve the power that she needed to achieve. And when she looks around and sees what that has cost her and find her self in danger. That’s the end of Her.with be very little struggle. Characters reached her pinnacle with her the Cline will be very flamboyant it will not be a fizzle.

  3. I don't see Cersei begging for death…I see her dying completely mad with power. It's like in OUAT when Rumpel's heart was going out, his body would continue as pure darkness…creating chaos for all. Well, if Cersei loses her child, she would have technically lost everything that she loves and could have nothing more than a black hole where heart once was…only having chaos. She still has her enemies….those that she can torture, that will keep her going, and in doing that she will gain more enemies and torture them as well. I believe in the mad queen theory basically. And I think Jaime or Tyrion will be the one to strangle her

  4. Yep. As soon as I heard him say, "I have a fleet and two good hands" I said he's the Valonqar in the show. Then in the next episode he named Jamie brother, further cementing my initial thought.

  5. The fun thing about the valonquar prophecy is that it could be literally anyone. There are so few only children in the world and so so many younger brothers and sisters. My guess is Arya in the books. Thought that ever since storm of swords.

  6. Read the leaked script and stop making shits up!! Euron hiring a faceless man to kill cersei and that task is giving to arya which she carry out and kills cersei and euron becomes king but dies in the dragon pit by wild fire along with Jamie and Jon

  7. I like the idea of Euron killing Cersei mich better than Arya using Jamie's face or Jamie committing the act himself! There's no reason for Arya or Jamie to go South now! EUron is a conqueror and wants more so this theory about him makes sense!

  8. Euron? In the show he has had zero to no impact on Cersei and for him to take her down wouldn't feel as satisfying as if Jaime or Arya were to do it. But it is a nice plot twist, something GOT desperately needs.

  9. I'm rooting for her to "win". Started out as a character I loved to hate, but these past few season have really upped her in the rankings. My numero uno is still Tormund. But I don't know if a wildling can "win" the GoT, so I'm prepping my heart.

  10. Sir there is NO Valonquar on the show version. The reason I says this because you talked the baby she had with Robert who die of fever well in the books version there brief  she was pregnant(By Robert) but she abort it.

  11. Great job ! I always enjoy watching your videos. I've been wondering though, would it be possible for Melisandre to kill the Night King using one of her shadow babies? Since they are creatures of the lord of light surely they would be able to kill the white walkers?

  12. nice theory but euron sucks as a character. it would be real weak to finish with him instead of cersei. did the night king have an older brother before the children turned him?

  13. I do agree with you about Euron taking the Iron Throne, but I still believe it will be Arya, possibly killing Qybern to wear
    his face, so she could get close enough to Cersei to kill her and still retain the meaning of the prophesy. But it could very well happen as you say. We can only wait for the end of season eight.
    “I wish you good fortune in the predictions to come.”

  14. Wow! Got here quick, I finally started reading the books after season 7 made it apparent they had NO intention of telling a good story. I'm surprised anyone is even looking forward to season 8. Sad to hear you aren't as behind your N+A=J theory, I've always preferred that one heavily as I despise Lyanna and Rhaegar and don't want them to be responsible for a great character like Jon. If you ever do a livestream with The Order of the Greenhand I'm dropping everything to watch and getting some superchats out there about that. Thanks for uploading so often. If you get bored you should check out this channel Black Goat of Qohor, their series the idiocies of season 7 are actually amazing.


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