Game of Thrones Season 8 is still several months away but it is time to start making predictions, theories and speculative videos on the final season.

After the season 7 finale we are unsure if Gendry will return for Season 8 but I think he will be back!

In this video I talk about the fate of Gendry, reveal whether I think he will be legitimized and become Gendry Baratheon. What role Gendry will play in The War for the Dawn, if he will forge new Valyrian Steel and if he will marry Arya Stark!

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  1. I do think Gendry will survive and become the head of STorm's End.ย  Just like I think Yara Greyjoy will survive and be the Quenn of the Iron Islands.ย  I also think Sansa will be the Lady of WInterfell and the Eyrie.

  2. I want him to explore what's west of Westeros with Arya and Hot Pie. You know, get the old gang back together. & yeah I'm aware this is a little bit too happy-go-lucky. I just don't think either one of them cares that much about being some lord or lady in a castle… although show!gendry seems to be a little more fond of his highborn dad than I'd imagine book!gendry to be once (or if) he finds out about him. I don't know, just let my children be happy, they've been through so much.

  3. Totally unrelated but I would love to have your opinion, could the bleeding star in the Azor Ahai prophecy refer to the faith of the seven, who's symbol is a star. This could refer to Cersei's explosive remodeling of the Sept or to another event in the past. Any thoughts?

  4. The assumption is CERSIE FAKED HIS DEATH.
    She says the boy looked exactly like Robert. Similar statements about Gendry has been put forth by other people like Jon snow.
    That's why probably she was unwilling to raise him up- He looked like Robert and Cersie hated Robert like hell.
    So she replaced him with a dead baby and sent her child to Flea Bottom.
    There she used to sneak up as a tavern wench when she was young – this is clearly mentioned at Tywins funeral.
    Thus the tavern wench mother could be cersie its possible.
    The point is GRRM has thrown a lot of hints and we can't ignore it.
    Ok, if it's mere accident its highly unlikely because all these hints use to match to a clear pattern.
    Lets match what gendry says about his mother and compare that with cersie.

    Gendry says his mother was blond haired.
    Gendry says his mother was a tavern wench.
    Gendry says his mother made and served ale.
    Gendry says his mother used to sing songs for him.

    Besides we are left with a lot of unanswered questions.
    Who was that unknown knight who paid double the price for Gendry to be admitted into the armory of Tobho Motto – the most famous smith in the world – when he grew up to be a boy?
    Why did Gendry live in Flea Bottom right under the nose of cersie all these years?
    When joffrey ordered the death of Roberts bastards, how did Tobho Mott became "fed up"( as gendry himself stated) all of a sudden and shipped him off to the Nights Watch?
    Even more curious, after his escape from dragonstone,how did Gendry survive in Kings Landing all these years in the same shop that was already suspected by Royal spies ?
    Besides, in Season 7 episode 5, cersie herself says she let tyrion meet up with jaimie in kings landing.
    This means she also allowed tyrions companion in that trip, Ser Davos to meet up with gendry and smuggle him out of kings landing. Why did she let it happen?

    That's one flock of unanswered questions and riddles.
    That's a pattern,all leading to a hidden secret in this fantasy book.
    if we just think straight and assume Cersie is really his mother the pattern is matched and all these questions and riddles get solved.

    If all these details are an accident, well that's too much unanswered questions for it.

    Other hints include, when cersie reveals her pregnancy to jaimie, the scene abruptly shifts to gendry meeting with jon snow.
    When cersie talks about her black haired beauty to catelyn stark, the scene then shifts abruptly to an armory where a smith with black hair is striking his weapons.

    I know it sounds crazy, but these kind of abrupt transitions have a lot of meaning in game of thrones. Like when lyanna stark's death scene on pregnancy, the scene abruptly shifts to the face of jon snow indicating he is the child of lyanna and Rhaegar, not ned.

    Besides, did you notice the initial credit scenes in Game of thrones ?
    It has a lot of hidden spoilers in it.
    Like when, at S6 e9, a bolton symbol was above winterfell, and at S6 e10, the stark symbol returned in the credits ( which was after the battle of bastards).

    Similarly, as of season 7, Cersie rules kings landing as a lannister, not a baratheon. With the death of tommen, every baratheon flag and sigils and symbols have been replaced with lannister ones.
    However, in the credit scenes, the sigil above king's landing is still a stag- the baratheon symbol.
    What does this mean?
    Are they implying that finally after all this chaos is over, a baratheon will rule the seven kingdoms from king's landing ?
    Does it imply Cersie doesn't want to rule but she just want to unite the seven realms,and after that pass the crown to her trueborn son and rightful heir, Gendry?
    so is that why they put that sigil over there?

    Please note that it surely can't be an accident – The baratheon sigil over king's landing in the credits – ofcourse the showmakerd are doing it for a purpose.

    So as far as I am concerned, my bet is with Gendry turning out to be the trueborn son of cersie and robert- after analysing all the details.

    Besides, it will do a lot of poetic justice to cersie's character.Love her or hate her, Cersie's character is the star of the show and if there's any true female main role it's cersie, not that boring Daenarys.
    We all can agree Cersie – our lion queen – will have to die, but that will be the very last, and she won't go down without one last trick.
    That last trick she hope to do before her death,may well be the coronation of Gendry Baratheon, LONG MAY HE REIGN!

    Folks , agree or disagree with me, but it will be nice to hear your views as well.

  5. Great video, very interesting content & I enjoyed very much. You have a lovely Scottish accent ( assume Scottish lol ), it's lovely to listen too and you articulate really well. I'm from Outside London England, so I'm use to harsh accents lol. Wicked channel & I like your video content. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  6. 90% chance Gendry will marry a Stark! But NOT Arya. Arya wants nothing to do with marriage. "That's not me" was her response to Ned when he told Arya, "You will marry a high lord (king in the book) and rule his castle. And your sons shall be knights and princes and lords." Arya is the wrong Stark girl to want this life.

    Clearly, Arya and Gendry have history together but the relationship felt like big brother/little sister. I don't read anything more into the "I can be your family" line other than Arya values family bonds (at the time she was a small child ruthlessly separated from her family). Arya has shown no interest in any boy on the show (I didn't read books). Sansa on the other hand, she has always wish for her fairy tale prince. Joffrey's true colors proved he could not make Sansa's dreams come true, only nightmares.

    Gendry's return to the show, as a secondary character, is to help a principal character fulfill her destiny.

    Sansa's character arc has put her on the path to rule a kingdom and marry for love. GRRM promised a bittersweet ending; Sansa's sweet destiny serves to balance GRRM's bitter finish (the death of most of our beloved characters).

    From birth, Sansa wished for the fabricated fairy tale all noble ladies dreamed. Ned spoke these words to Arya (which more aptly apply to Sansa) in season one, "You will marry a high lord and rule his castle. And your sons shall be knights and princes and lords." This defines the role noble ladies serve in Westeros. Noble girls cement alliances and breed the ruling class. Sansa wished for this life, the life of a queen, until her time with Joffrey exposed the ugly life of noble politics. Sansa has rejected the life of a pawn; Kings Landing, Joffrey, Cersei, Petry, Ramsey opened her eyes to the unhappy and impotent life of a brood mare. Sansa will plot a course of her own choosing.

    Sansa studied politics with adept masters and false rulers: Petry, Cersei, Tyrion, Joffrey, Ramsey, and Ned. A tortured life has prepared Sansa to lead nobly. She is ready for "the great game now". Sansa's course will be to rule; and rule justly.

    Sansa was never free to marry for love. Duty rendered her a political pawn. Her prearranged and forced unions led to nothing but unhappiness: Joffrey, Tyrion, Ramsey, Petry. Sansa will break from tradition and not marry for political advantage, but rather for happiness. To a good man: brave, gentle and strong. Not many of those men in Westeros will survive the long night.

    If there is bittersweet justice in GRRM's world, Sansa will marry Gendry and continue the Stark and Baratheon alliance. Sansa won't marry Gendry to honor the bond between two dead men, but because she loves the admirable and hopefully legitimized Gendry.

    The Lannisters ripped the Stark family part; as symbolized by the division of Ice, the Stark family's Valaryian steel sword. Gendry can heal the Stark family. The Flea Bottom blacksmith, who trained under Valaryian steel master Tobho Mott, re-forges "Oathkeeper (Ned)" and "Widow's Wail (Catelyn)" back into Ice. The Stark family is now whole again.

    Sansa will rule as the Wardeness of the North, with Gendry by her side (traditional female/male roles be dammed). A Stark must always be in Winterfell.

    Robert's Rebellion – the precursor to the Game of Thrones – was set in motion when fate prevented the marriage of a Baratheon to a Stark. The story will come full circle, just as Robert foretold in season one. Robert said to Ned "I have a son. You have a daughter. We'll join our houses." Gendry and Sansa will live happily ever after, as a sign that good things can happen in Westeros.

    GRRM dashed all hope for a happy ending, but all bitter and no sweet will be an unsatisfying curtain call. Kill Jon. Kill Jaime. Kill Sandor, Bran, Varys, Jorah, Tormund, Yara, Grey Worm, Podrick, and Meera. But throw the fans a bone (no, I don't buy the SanSan theory).

    Write it into existence GRRM.

  7. Gendry โ€” Lord of Storm's End, married to Arya. I can see that very clearly. Blacksmithing Valaryn steel weapons โ€” before the big battle, yes. Not so sure about what else. But you're right; the showrunners didn't bring Gendry back as just another pretty face or redshirt. He's here for a reason; I'm curious about what it might be.

    Thanks for all your great work on your ids.

  8. I think it be cool if Sansa and Arya had a bit of tug over Gendry what do you think? Also remember when Gendry said to Jon/Aegon โ€œour fathersโ€™ trusted each otherโ€ that would an awkward conversation when they learn the truth also the fact that their third cousins

  9. Let me know all your Gendry theories and predictions in the comments below. WIll he marry Arya? WIll he forge new Valyrian Steel? WIll he die in the War for the Dawn? Will he become King?!

    Also check out my other Season 8 "character fate videos" that are in the cards and end screen of this video.

    Thanks for watching and I will see everyone in the comments!


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