This Video is part 1 of a collaboration with Talking Thrones! In this video We will discuss the possibilities for Arya’ Stark in Game of Thrones Season 8 and her future!

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Song: VΛNTE – Oblivion
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Sources Used! ASOIAF Novels, HBO Series Game of Thrones, A **Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and A World of Ice and Fire.
**A Song of Ice and Fire
**Game of Thrones Season 6
**A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
**A World of Ice and Fire

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  1. I don't think it's because Bran can see the future, I think it's because he knows her past. He has seen all she has been through, and understands what she is capable of doing with a weapon such as that. Whereas he, as a cripple, and as the 3-eyed raven, has no use for such things.

  2. When Bran gave Arya the dagger, it was with his blessing because all 3 Stake children know then that LF killed their father and he knew Ayra was the only able to finish off Little Finger. Even Sansa bowed her head for Arya to do the Deed

  3. Arya is one of my favorite characters because of her openess. When her dad was telling her about her future and she just looked at him shook her head and stated thats not me he accepted it. I think it was the way she was so simple, open, and honest let him know there was no way to argue the point. And I think he also saw the truth in her words. He always knew she would be different. I think she and Gendry

  4. I have a hunch. Somebody will decide they want Cerci dead, possibly the Iron Bank. They will place a contract with the faceless men. Jaquen will concoct a poison he thinks is significant. It will be much like the one Cerci gave to the Sand Sake's daughter, and it will have the colloquial name, of the Little Brother. It "wraps its hands around the throat" of the victim. Then Jaquen will travel to Winterfell, and give the poison to Arya, and explain what it is, and tell her about the Little Brother prophesy, and explain why Arya is the 'right' person to do it. Arya will say she isn't a faceless man, and Jaquen will say he's the boss of the faceless men and saying who is & isn't a faceless man, is his job – not hers…. There is a poetic rightness to this end for Cerci, that's just too good. I think Arya will kill somebody who is close to Cerci and use their face to get access, but exactly who, I'm not sure. But I'm sure Arya will show her own face to Cerci, as she dies, and explain about the ValenQuor…. there is a beautiful poetic symmetry to this…

  5. Arya is an assassin, not a soldier and her skills are best used when the element of surprise. Her ability to use faces adds to her ability to strike without warning. I think there has been too much time spent on the development of her character to let those factors go unused. Killing a few wights would not be the best use of her skills. Going back to Kings Landing to take down the opposition, in particular Cersei and the Mountain is her most likely destiny. I see her and the Hound going back to King’s Landing with Arya taking out Cersei and the Hound fighting the Mountain but the Hound is unable to kill him despite lethal sword strikes. Arya stabs the Mountain with her dagger and they discover that the Mountain has the same weaknesses that the White Walkers have, dragon glass and Valerian steel. They also kill Qyburn. The Gold Company no longer has a contract to honor and no means to leave Westerose, so they join the great war and are later rewarded with a castle and titles.

  6. He (Jaqen) named Arya as "Noone", and then she named herself Arya, marking her inevitable death. (When she named him upon her initial sequence with him, he insisted she take the name back, because it was a marked fate of death to the many faced god)

  7. I agree with y'all that Jaquen won't be coming back. At this point they are trying to get rid of characters not bring them back. Also I also think Arya would probably be a knight or Kings-guard to Jon aka Aegon Targaryen. I say Jon because between him and Dany he's most likely to live. Her death has be heavily implied. Gendry was brought back for weapons and that's all I think. First off he's not a acknowledge bastard he doesn't have the name Waters because his father didn't claim him. The Storm Lords have no reason to back him up they don't know him. They knew Jon as Ned Stark bastard who grew up with his siblings. Plus he along with Sansa took back Winterfell from the Boltons. So there was a reason to name him King in their eyes. I absolutely hated the ninja fight scene between Ayra and Brienne. Are we supposed to believe she's the best fighter in Westros? Lol 😂

  8. It has never been mentioned on the show, but aren't the faceless men prohibited from killing people they personally knew, or is it just the people they knew and we're friends with?

  9. I’m with you on the look Bran had It did look like he knew what she’d do. That dagger “Catspaw” will probably end The Long Night Forever if plunged into the Night King’s dragon-glass filled heart! Whatcha think???

  10. Arya and Gendry are like bros so I don’t see a love match. If anything, I can see them being sparring partners at WF as they prepare for the wars to come. If she survives, she’ll travel after it all ends resuming her Faceless Man destiny. I can’t see her staying put at WF.

  11. 1. Arya can't be with anyone. Arya is a sword. She is a tactical nuclear weapon. She is no one. She can only have one end… death – and that in a blaze of glory.
    2. There's no reason why Bran can't see into the future. Jojen saw into the future (his own death, for example) with the greensight, which Bran also demonstrated when he saw the sea flow over the walls of Winterfell (Theon's betrayal).

  12. Bran will be killed by Arya – don't you think??

    I wonder why almost nobody talks about the similarities between Arya's and Bran's story archs and how this might end for the two of them. Both were on a very lonely journey, almost completely cut from the events of the political plot in and around the Iron Throne, becoming "no one" or, like, "everyone" in Bran's case, just to return to their roots in Winterfell, where they are reunited.
    Actually I am quite convinced that Bran's destiny is somehow connected to the Night King and that the Night King's creation on the Isle of Many Faces has itself a connection to what can be called the ManyFaced God, that Arya turned to in Bravoos.

    When in Season 7, at the reuniting of Arya and Bran under the weirwood tree at Winterfell, he gave her the valyrian steele dagger, saying it was meant to kill him – I thought they quite rubbed it into the audiences faces at that point: Arya will eventually kill Bran, while he, during the course of events of the last season, somehow became the Night King himself (through warging or time travel or however they will make this work).
    Arya will use the dagger that Bran gave her – the dagger that was meant to kill him from the very beginning of the series. Bran might have known that it would go this way. He already knows what Arya did in Bravoos. He talks about it right the moment before he decides to give the dagger to her. He knows that she's an assassin, talks about her list and stuff…

    I also think this makes sense, because the assassins of the Many Faced God think of death as a gift of release. And actually death is something that doesn't come easy to the Wights. Also, they build their army of dead people – you could say they steal these lifes from the Many Faced God.
    By killing Bran, connected to the Night King, as it was foreshadowed for a long time, Arya will be serving the Many Faced God and help defeat the white walkers.
    I think this will happen during a big fight between the army of the dead and Dany's/Jon's army, taking place maybe at Harrenhall. In that meantime, maybe at Winterfell, maybe on the Isle of Many Faces, Arya will stab Bran with the dagger in the same way the Night King was created by the children of the forest. These events will connect and lead to the destruction of the Night King and his Army. Maybe.

    Why isn't this a theory already? Sorry for the bad english. Not a native speaker.
    Ahoi 🙂

  13. +GrayArea
    I really enjoy your videos in general. That's why I'm a subscriber, duh, but I have to say Talking Thrones and your videos is the best GoT collaboration I have heard. For example this 16 min went by so fast. I want more (GoT/ASoIaF withdrawal is speaking). ;D

  14. I think Ary and Sansa will have a better and nice relationship next season, but I don't think Arya will stay at Winterfell.  I can see her truly becoming a faceless man or returning to the house of black and white where she possibly could see Jagaan.

  15. Hi.I spotted something at the start of this video that really got me thinking. its the scene where Arya and Sansa are standing on the Battlements of Winterfell and directly between them just a little off behind them is 'The Broken Tower' I think there is something hugely significant about that tower as it has featured so prominantly throughout the show ie Bran fell from it.the night the catspaw tried to kill him it went on fire but most importantly I think the Sigil on the Night Kings brooch may actually be of the Broken Tower before it was broken,Why is there a broken tower inside Winterfell? its not like they dont have stonemasons there all the time…just a thought please look into it or at least have a think about it

  16. I’m thinking since Cercei is on Arya’s list and The iron bank will hire the faceless men to do away with her. Arya will do away with her in the disguise of Jamie. I think the army Cercei hired will betray her somehow so she will not be able to pay her debt and that’s why they hire them


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