We chat about the huge range of possibilities for Jaime with guest Joanna Robinson (of Vanity Fair, Storm of Spoilers pod and more!)

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  1. Sean is a nice enough guy. I am not watching as much as I used to. His addition is more of a subtraction in my opinion. I used to watch every show now I only watch it when I have nothing else to view. It was a top content viewing experience now it is just something that fills a space.

  2. Actually, it's possible that they'll say "oh you finally showed up Jamie. Say where's your army?" Akward. After all the last thing anyone knew was that Cersi did offer to help in the north. Not that anyone believes her.

  3. I don't understand the surprise at wanting to train all able bodied people.  There is already precedence in the North (and among the wildings) of women learning to fight, especially if they need to protect themselves living in more remote places.  I don't think the plan is to put little girls on the front lines, but instead have a home defense or archery lines.  The fight with the Others could last a generation – if a martial society will be necessary they need to start training even the children so they are ready when they are older.  There are plenty of examples in real life of arming or training women in warfare – doesn't mean they are all trained as warriors. Check out women in ancient warfare in Wikipedia, it has this excerpt as an example "4th century BC – Chinese statesman Shang Yang wrote The Book of Lord Shang,[82] in which he recommended dividing the members of an army into three categories; strong men, strong women, and the weak and old of both sexes. He recommended that the strong men serve as the first line of defence, that the strong women defend the forts and build traps, and that the weak and elderly of both sexes control the supply chain."Lots of references in women in post-classical warfare.

  4. With g.o.t doing callbacks of certain shots and foreshadowing with visuals, do you think it's possible that he may sacrifice himself by charging and killing the undead dragon? Just a thought that I haven't seen discussed very much. Thanks

  5. Also Jaime was never selfish… His killing of the mad king was a sacrifice of his honor and his life( if Robert didn't pardon him he would have lost his head for sure) to save the lives of those in Kings landing. He has always been a good person… Only when Cersei is involved does he do bad things.


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