The three headed dragon theory has been a iconic theory for Game of Thrones throughout the years. The idea of three dragon riders to fight for the Dawn has been eliminated with the death and resurrection of Viserion. With the Night King and Daenerys both with dragons and Jon Snow as a potential dragon rider; I think it changes the context of this theory.

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  1. Jaime is the valenquar… he will strangle Cersei to death as Bran looks on via Warg just as the scene in the tower foreshadowed in season 1 when Jaime pushed Bran out of the tower after he witnessed Jaime holding his hands around Cerseis neck kissing her.

    Dany will die after giving birth to a girl and Jon will take control of Westeros and give power back to each individual realm of the country. Brienne will be Lord over the reach. Tyrion will be lord over casterly rock, Gendry will get storms end and Sansa will get winterfell… Jon will kill Bran after he wargs into the NK, thereby killing the NK and shattering all the white walkers instantly.

  2. Daenery vision at the house of the undying is probably the most important scene in all the books. I've studied it over and over, Dany is the bride of fire, Jon is the blue rose at the wall and the air will be filled with sweetness. No doubt Jon and Dany get married in season 8. Dany is the Queen of fire and Azor Ahia the night king is the king of ice and the champion of the great other. Azor Ahia fire , night king ice , dragon fire whites ice , living fire whites ice , man woman. Dany and the night king are the Complete parallel of each other. Jon is the balance of ice/fire and lightbringer Danys sword, the shield that guards the world of men. It will be Jon that Defeats the night king In my opinion, lightbringer will be the sacrifice to bring in the new dawn, Technically Jon is already dead in my opinion, he was brought back to defeat the night king. Dany will be the dream of spring and her and the child live on. Bittersweet as they say, great video dude enjoyed it.


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