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  1. Here's my first Game Of Thrones Season 8 video. Leave all your predictions in the comments, I'm still collecting questions for my Finale Q&A video. Make sure to leave all the Questions you want me to include in that!

  2. I'm predicting that Jon and Dondarrion (guy with eye patch) are not actually alive. They are like a walker/zombies but instead of being a white walker of ice they are more like fire walkers. Animated by the lord of light instead of the night king. I think the bittersweet ending and shocker will be that Jon Snow becomes the new night king or commander of the army of the dead after killing the night king. He won't be bad though. He'll still be himself and will save everyone by marching the army of the dead back north. The sad part will be that he has to fulfill this duty and sacrifice himself to save the others. He will stay with the army of the dead.

  3. I'm confused. Is the fort on the north or south side of the wall? Though most of the action at the Wall takes place on the side facing south, in the final scene from season 7 it looks like the Night King and his horde approach from the south.

  4. I think the end of Cersei is very clear;) … Jamie heads north, fights brilliantly redeeming himself even to his enemies, Bran even forgives him and thanks him for turning him into the three eyed raven… and just when you think everything is going to be OK for him, Arya turns out to be the only person not to forgive him and slits his throat. Jamie dies tragically in Briennes arms. Arya steals Jamie's face and heads south to kill Cersei. Arya with Jamie's face is the only person who could ever get close enough to Cersei to kill her, and strangles her with TWO GOOD HANDS, fullfilling the prophecy, and Cersei realizes at the last moment that it really isn't Jamie since he has two hands again… Arya says some witty comment, Cersie and her baby dies.

  5. For me bran's build up was too much, just to warn about the WW n the NK.( and of course Jon's parantage) I feel like The Army of The dead are gonna destroy the realm, but brans gonna back in the past and rewrite history.

  6. Hi guys, an unusual but possible prediction just occurred to me: Qyburn will turn the Mountain into a White Walker (by putting dragon glass into his heart), thereby enabling Cersei to have her very own Night King and create her own Army of the Dead to fight for her, in much the same way as the Children of the Forest did to help fight the First Men. With such an army, Cersei could defeat all of her enemies, both human and non-human armies alike. What do you guys think?

  7. I think, that there will be a child between Dany and John Snow. I believe that it will be born at the end, and it will crucial to pushing the Night King and the White Walkers back. This is because, the Night King will demand for that exact child to create a truce between Man and the Night King's people (or whatever you call them). This drama will be the biggest issue, will Dany and John give up their child to protect humanity or go down fighting. I think that's gonna be a huge issues of morality and what would be the right thing to do as rulers of Westeros.

  8. It seems you're making a bigger deal of incest in royalty than it actually is. The reason every one cared about Jamie and Cersei was bc the kids were supposed to be Robert's. There might have been a couple of eyebrows raised, but if they had formalized their relationship, I don't think it would have been a big deal. Cersei couldn't marry Jamie after Robert's death bc Jaime couldn't marry anyone and her marriage needed to be a chess move.

    Also, in real history, houses married cousins and, on the rare occasion, siblings. I think the bigger issue is that Jon is next in line and if they DON'T get together, there will be a problem between trusting that the other will allow ascendance to the iron throne.

    Stop saying incest bomb. It's annoying and it shows it bothers yo more than it does the fake world of GoT or the real historical world.

    Otherwise, I love your vids!

  9. How can Hardhome even compare with Battle of The Bastards? The scale size of the battle, military precision setup, the emotional aspects— Rickon took an arrow to the heart! That broke me more than any Freefolk turning into wights….

  10. I also REALLY FUCKING HOPE that season eight starts with a "two years later" or something, the Long Night is called the Long Night for a reason, where generations are born, live, and die in winter. I'd much rather see episode one start off in the middle of a Dunkirk battle scenario, with Jorah, Davos, and Tyrion arguing over failing tactics, while Daenerys gives aerial support to Jaime, Jon, and Tormund desperately trying to command a few hundred troops to cover the southern retreat of a couple thousand Dothraki, Northerners, Freefolk, Nights Watch, and Lannisters, in the wake of tens of thousands of dead swarming the north. I don't want to see the Night King defeated easily, he has a LOT to live up to, and the writers need to do him justice. They need to try and make him the most devastating villain in tv history, someone who makes Joffrey, Ramsay, Euron, and Cersei all look like pathetic nobodies. The whole season needs to be six feature length episodes of dark where the Red Wedding looks like Robb And Talisa Starks Day At The Beach.

    Annoyingly I don't think we'll see Rhaegar much more, if at all. It would have been far better for them to have done a whole flashback episode in season seven about Rhaegar and Lyanna leading up to Jons/Aegons reveal, but I'm very sure that the next spin off series by HBO will be about Roberts Rebellion, so they'll save it for that.

  11. Season 8 Ep 1
    John Snow and the Nightking have a sword fight on the rest of The Wall and John get pushed over the edge while he loses his left hand from a precise sword strike. Barely hanging on, the Nightking leans himself over the wall and tells John "I am your father John Snow". Then John let go screaming NOOOOOO.

  12. so… does Samwell Tarly know about his father and brother yet? the last we saw he was in Winterfell talking to the all knowledgeable Bran Stark, and Jon and Danaerys are on their way to Winterfell as well. Could that potentially be the main divider of this new alliance? Samwell really not being ok with Danaerys as a leader and then also blurting out that Jon is the more rightful ruler of Westeros, more so than Danaerys….?

  13. You like odd pairings, how about theon and Jaime? With a little Bron on the side? Here's how it works.
    On he way to the north, Bron catches up with Jaime and says in his inimitable Bron style "not so fast, fancy lad, you can't leave me alone with your crazy sister."
    After that, they run into theon. Theon tells them he's off to save Yara and kill euron. Jaime tells him euron is on the way to pick up the golden company, after some arguing and banter, they all agree not only to free Yara, but take over the fleet. Jaime realizes all the bad blood with the Starks means he better come north with more to offer than his valyrian steel sword and no right arm to swing it.
    Once they beat euron, then takes over the fleet, and instead of picking up the golden company, they get the dornish army, like they originally planned.
    However, this takes awhile, while this is going on the war with the army of the dead is over but costly, and cersei sends her army to take them when their weakened. In mid seige, they see the greyjoy fleet and fear it bring the golden company and more enemies, but surprise, its the dornish army, turning the tide.

  14. This was probably the most 'feel good' season, overall. Seriously, so many great 'make your smirk/chuckle/laugh' moments and the pay off definitely warranted the slow build of the first 4 episodes

  15. I think that Ghost will be in the next season, but only for a bit. Dany will be in Winterfell with Jon and Ghost will run up to greet the two. Dany will be a little cautious at first, as she has never seen a fully grown direwolf. But Jon will introduce her to Ghost while making the comment, "This is my direwolf, Ghost. He's the only son I will ever have." Dany will just melt for him all over again.


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