Game of Thrones Final Season Predictions! Will Jon and Dany die? Will the Night King win? Erik Voss is back with more predictions about the fates of each of the characters. Will we get an Arya Hound reunion, and will they join each other on a suicide assassination mission against Cersei and the Mountain? How does The Lord of the Rings foreshadow Tyrion’s survival? Why are Ser Davos and Samwell Tarly the most likely to survive? And will one of Dany’s dragons lay an egg?



SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATREON SUPPORTERS ( including these beautiful people:
Kelly Hopper
Kenny Smith
Matthew Salvas
Pony Stark
Wilhelmina Ebbeson
Elisabeth Hobbs
David Iaeger
Rose Bellandi
Eric Oliver
Chris Cole
Cole Callin
Chelsea Kerr
Holli Chandler
Ebony Lay
Edward Laau
TJ Smith
Stephen Bratcher
Lori Denning
Alan Fleming
Kristina Armstrong
Mike Kotselec
Robert Knowles
Diego Foronda
Peter Choi

Executive Creative Director: Filup Molina
Executive Producer: Jeben Berg
Post Production Supervisor: Ericson Just



  1. Jamie Lannister will Die. By your reasoning, if I go rob a bank, but go give the money away to make up for it by giving it to the next 3 banks I pass, I have redeemed myself ? Jamie has not paid for the initial douchebagery he is guilty of. Trust me Jamie is dead, remember I said that.

  2. I like NR and EAvos but the moment he said My Arya would die I stopped the vid and commented. She had the worst narrative among all the main characters since season 5 killing her is such a let down…

  3. I can see Jon legitimizing Gendry and giving him Storm's End. Arya becomes Lady of Storm's End fulfilling the deal her father made with Robert, and learning that instead of "…that's not me…" she remembers Ned teaching her that the pack survives, so she doesn't become a lone wolf, she follows Nymeria's lead and gains a pack.

  4. nothing "bittersweet" about Jon & Dany (the leading protagonists) dying, leaving their child orphaned (& potentially vulnerable to assassination attempt like Jon & Dany initially were). that's just plain blitter

  5. I think the night king will thrust his spear and Jon will swing longclaw and jon will hit the night king first and as he's dissolving his spear just barley pierces his heart and kills him

  6. Can someone please explain if Viseryion is immune to fire now or not? Dragons can't die from fire, but he's a wight now… So is he a fire proof wight or just a dragon that will get totally demolished when he goes up against Drogon or Rhaegal?

  7. Ending : Last shot is of Breane kneeling before a baby in the arms of tyrion. She says her pledge to protect the rightful king of westeros (jon and danny;s kid) beside him is pod, davos and sam. Arya reluctantly marries gendry and gets pregnant. Sansa is the lady of winterfell and the iron islands are ruled by iyara greyjoy. Jamie returns to casterly rock as the warden while breane marries tormund. The world settles down, and a black egg sits near the newborn babe and begins to crack… fade to black.

  8. My list of people I think will die.

    – All of Dany's Dragons

    – Ghost

    – All remaining Members of House Greyjoy (Damphair, Euron, Yara, and Theon)

    – Brienne

    – Davos

    – Grey Worm

    – Edd and the night's watch

    – Beric

    – Tormund

    – Bronn

    – Most of the Northern lords

    – Robin

    – Yohn Royce

    – Cersei

    – Qyburn

    – The Mountain and The Hound

    – The Night King

    – Daenerys

    – Melisandre

  9. I hope Sansa survives, she's one of the most unpredictable and three-dimensional characters in the entire series. Besides, she always generates conflict and controversy because she is not a typical white or black character like the others.


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