Check out this mix of Game of Thrones Season 3 & 4 Bloopers and vines from our favorite GoT characters



  1. For anyone familiar with the 3 headed dragon theory, look at the symbolism in the flowers at 1:23.  The platinum/white colored flower would represent Daenerys Targerean.  Any guesses at to the meaning of the red with gold fringed flower or the blue rose?  I don't want to drop spoilers for anyone not familiar with this, but there's no way that George R. R. Martin or the guys making the show would include a hint that blatant without it being on purpose.

  2. The more I see of emilia clarke behind the scenes and in interviews the less I like her. She thinks she's so high and mighty that she can try to remake her character and cut whole scenes out of the book. I mean seriously if she had bothered reading just the FIRST book she would have realized her character is naked 75% of the time. Also she's acting snotty as hell. The can't kill her character off yet but I hope they fire her uppity ass.


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