David Hookstead | Reporter

It sounds like the final season of “Game of Thrones” is going to be absolutely lit.

CEO chief Richard Plepler told Variety the following during a recent interview:

It’s a spectacle. The guys have done six movies. The reaction I had while watching them was, ‘I’m watching a movie. They knew the bar was high. They’ve exceeded the bar. I’ve watched them twice without any CGI and I’m in awe. Everybody’s in for an extraordinary treat of storytelling and of magical, magical production.

According to the same Variety report, each of the final six episodes will be 90 minutes long.

This news makes me so damn happy. I am literally smiling ear-to0-ear right now. You guys have no idea how excited I am.

We’re getting essentially six movies? Yeah, go ahead and sign me up immediately. I might just sleep until April 15 arrives. The anticipation is absolutely killing me. (RELATED: A New Study Predicts Who Will Die In Final ‘Game Of Thrones‘ Season. It Could Be A Bloodbath)

Has there ever been a show with this much of an anticipated return before in the history of television?

The second season of “Westworld” had a ton of hype, but the fanbase is much smaller. It seems like everybody I know is waiting on pins and needles for the final “GoT” season.

The whole world is watching!

Now, let’s all take a moment to reflect on the incredible ride we’ve had over these past few years. It’s been nonstop fun, and I can’t wait to see these “six movies” we’re getting in season eight.

Once it’s over, then it’s over. It should be a fun final ride!

H/T: BroBible



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