**Spoiler Warning for Season 6 of the HBO series Game of Thrones**

A brief summary of Season 6 of the HBO Series Game of Thrones, exploring the events of the Seven Kingdoms from trial of Cersei and Loras to the Battle of the Bastards and the events across the Narrow Sea. Based on the series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin.

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  1. Season 7 Double Main Events

    Tag Team Match For The Iron Throne Title:
    House Lannister(+Allied Houses) vs
    House Targareyean (+Allied Houses)

    Tag Team Match For The World Title:
    Night King(With Undead Army of Wights & White Walkers) vs Jon Snow(With Everyone)

  2. My question is how House Bolton was allowed to ever exist
    Does no one think flaying people alive is just a little fucking barbaric
    They fear the skag who may or may not be savages but they let the Boltons flay people?

  3. +CivilizationEx do you think Jamie will kill Cersei, fulfilling the prophecy of Maggy the frog, about her valonqar and her death. I think it will be Jamie in the show but I'm not sure about the books could you share your thoughts. Thank you, love your videos.

  4. Something you left out was that the vale of Baelish (i'm calling it that because little finger controls the vale) also declared for jon snow becoming a part of the kingdom of the north.

  5. hi, I am new to your channel, I really like the amount of work u put to game of thrones content. can u plz do history of the summer isles in the world of ice and fire like how u did on yi ti and assahi unknown places in the books and show. it will be cool. thank you.


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