Game of Thrones fans have plenty of theories, but could one of them actually have some credibility? Dan breaks it down on this week’s Dan Cave!

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  1. Anyone notice in the scene with Gendry in Episode 5 season 7? … there is a definite lord of light moment. "why should they recognize me? Sometimes I hardly do…" shot from the burning fire…

  2. Isn't Beric Dondarrion shown wielding a burning sword in one of the GOT teasers? He has also been raised from the dead a million times probably by the lord of light. Why isn't anyone saying that Beric is Azor Ahai???

  3. 1. Stannis was going to sentence Davos to death in season 3 and the lord of light said not to in the flames. 2. The red woman always thought stannis was the chosen one but really she was mistaken because davos was always in close proximity. Theory 100% confirmed right there

  4. Ser Davos is one of the most genuinely good people on the show. If a pre-req for being Azor Ahai is that you are "pure of heart" or something, I think he fits the bill. But it would be the ultimate script-flip to make this dude, the ultimate sidekick and advisor, into the most important leader/hero in the show. Or perhaps that's not even what Azor Ahai would be.

  5. I hate to be "that guy". But in a world as cold (literal and metaphorical) what if the idea of some "god" coming in the bleakest moment, is something they hope for, but it doesn't happen, and the Hound was right all along. I mean it would fit with the theme the show;s had so far. I mean NO god has been "proven" or given credence at all with the closest being the dragons being brought to life. If we are to pick an Azor, the idea of resurrecting dragons through stones, where you see Davos do that metaphorically, Dany does it literally. Remember Illyrio said "The ages have turned them to stone, but their beauty still remains". Isn't this almost a direct reference? It could be just as well a red-herring, but its worth noting. I'd sooner believe there is no Azor, there will be t he Ice V. Fire of the Dragons and The White Walkers. I don't even know if I believe the 3 riders for the 3 dragons theory any more, but if that holds, then it'll be Dany, Tyrion, and Jon.

  6. I watch game of thrones because it's awesome…
    I love Davos because he's awesome…
    This show would be a lot LESS awesome if most of these theories came true.

    Let's just think about this for a moment…these clues that we're picking up from moments throughout seasons 2-6 with Davos…are we picturing some re-cap scene where some character is basically explaining to Davos how he's Azor Ahai in essentially the same way this YouTube video does?
    Is Sam going to pause and look up from a passage in a book and say out to Gilly/the audience something like…"wait…Davos may have touched a flaming sword once before I met him. Let's go ask!"
    That "Waking dragon from stone…" part is pretty awesome though.

  7. lol perhaps I lack depth, but I figured everyone just walked out of the room too early for john to return. the only justifiable reason I can concoct is that davos doesn't seem self aware of his power, but even so I could be wrong since the show can be secretive at times; thus my lack of depth.

  8. The general reason theories like this exist is that, essentially, people already know the answer (its John Snow) and are bored with it/don't think its a very interesting reveal, right?

    Like, I would be stoked if in the books, its Snow, but in the show they go "well everyone knows it, so lets surprise them!" and have been laying enough bread-crumbs through-out the series that, going back, you could make a solid case for a number of cool reveals…

    But its John Snow. Right? Boring..but yah..

  9. Cute theory. But Melisandre brought Jon back to life.

    I don't get why people believe it couldn't have been her because she lost faith.

    Thoros of Mir also had lost all faith before he was able to bring back Beric from the dead.

    Apparently losing faith is a requirement for ultimate powers to be revealed for the Lord of Light.


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