GOTs series 8 betting suspended after tonne of Bran Stark bets - do they know something?
One company has suspended all betting on GOTs after Bran Stark suddenly became a favourite (Credit: HBO)

It’s the question that everyone wants to know, just who will be sitting on the Iron Throne when Game Of Thrones ends?

We all have our suspicions, and obviously many people want to see either Dany, Jon, or indeed both of them end up as the rulers of Westeros.

But it seems that Betway have their own suspicions as to who might be the shoe-in to win the battle for the Seven Kingdoms, as they’ve suspended all bets on the big outcome in series eight.

Following a flurry of bets on outside Bran Stark, the company have put on hold taking anymore money from punters on any candidate.

‘All bets are off for who will sit on the Iron Throne at the end of season eight, following multiple requests coming in for Bran Stark,’ said Betway spokesman Alan Alger in a statement.

GOT betting suspended cause of Bran Credit: HBO
‘Following the amount of bets we had on him on Monday,’ said a spokesman for Betway. Leading us to wonder, do they know something we don’t? (Credit: HBO)

‘Bran was previously priced at 14/1 but, following the amount of bets we had on him on Monday, we have had no choice but to suspend the market.’

So… has a real-life Three Eyed Raven seen what will be? Or does this mean someone’s leaked the ending to one of TVs biggest ever phenomenons?

Well, here’s the thing, unless someone deep in the heart of the cast and crew has suddenly decided they give 0 fucks about their colleagues and their final creative push then no.

Thrones series seven was completely spoiled before it had even begun, thanks to a tonne of spoilers and leaks flooding the inter web (yeah, we hate you leakers… we really hate you).

GOTs series 8 betting suspended after tonne of Bran Stark bets - do they know something?
Probably not given Emilia Clarke confirmed MULTIPLE ending to the show have been filmed just a three months ago (Credit: Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Given that it would be almost impossible that HBO would let anything at all draw fans and audiences away from the show… hence their much reported plan.

The plan being filming MULTIPLE ENDINGS to avoid exactly this kind of nightmare.

As far back as early autumn in 2017 there were reports that this had gone ahead, and then in December the Mother of Dragons herself confirmed is.

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Emilia Clark said D.B. Weiss and David Benioff have ‘written a number of different endings’.

Adding: ‘None of the cast know what the actual ending is. If there’s ever a leak of any kind, don’t believe it because it’s probably not true.’

Yup, that’s right. It’s almost like they foresaw people would be trying to leak things.

GOTs series 8 betting suspended after tonne of Bran Stark bets - do they know something?

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