Game of Thrones gained massive popularity in the last decade due to its beautiful story, amazing scenery, and gruesome battles. The showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss even had to lie to HBO to include the battle sequences. They did the right thing, as it worked out and those scenes later went on to become iconic moments of the show.

Even though the majority of the show’s fight and battle sequences were simply awe-inspiring, some of them lacked the luster to catch the viewer’s eye. Writer and story editor for the show, Dave Hill, opened up in the book Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon about one such moment.


Hill points to the fight scene involving Jaime, Bronn, and the Sand Snakes at Dorne. He said, “It was a perfect storm. We had this gorgeous location, the Alcázar palace, but we weren’t allowed to shoot there at night. So we couldn’t have a night infiltration when you’d logically do it. But at least we could have a cool fight during the day, where you can see everything.”

Then we lost our stunt people a few days before, so we had to make do with what the actors had learned up until that point and cut around it. The Water Gardens fight was supposed to be much more elaborate. I remember Jeremy [Podeswa, the episode’s director] at the time not being happy with it.”

The scene did seem a little out of place back when it was released. Hill’s explanation makes the mistakes look more glaring under Dorne’s bright sun.

What do you think about the fight sequence? Let us know in the comments below!



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