For those who don’t want to hear book spoilers, here is the most famous fan theory called R+L=J and the SHOW ONLY scenes that should illuminate it to those paying attention.



  1. These confirm R+L, but they don't actually give us anything about the =J part. I mean, it was revealed now but still. All we see here is that R loved L, not exactly that J is their son.

  2. what would have happened had all of the events prior to Game of Thrones and the beginning of with Robert's Rebellion. Rhaegar and Liana, the Mad King killed by Jaime, Targaryens fleeing from Kings landing, and Daenerys not growing up outside of Westeros and in exile.
    The full story of what would happen is reserved for when the series is finished.
    All that can be said is that there would be no Dragons since Daenerys never grew up in exile. Jon Snow if he had been born would not have grown up as Ned Starks bastard and come to idolize his Uncle Benjen which lead to him joining the Night's watch, which lead to him preventing people from bullying Samwell, Samwell able to get through his training and finding the dragonglass and killing that white walker is a result of Jon preventing people from bullying him. The wights being discovered by ghost, brought to the wall, then killed by Jon is a bit negligible since it was likely that Jeor may have survived that encounter, but would have still died at the Mutiny at Craster's Keep. Anyways No passing on of Longclaw to Jon meant that it stayed with Jeor at Craster's Keep. The white walkers would have eventually killed everyone there. That means that Hardhome would not have had any survivors since Jon was not Lord Commander but also no one would know about Valyrian Steel and how it can kill White Walkers until it would be too late. the direwolf pups may have been mercy killed if it weren't for Jon. There is a bunch more stuff, but a lot more stuff has not happened yet and it remains to be seen exactly how much is impacted by Jon not joining the Night's watch since he was raised believing himself to be a bastard. Ned telling Jon the truth would have had a negative impact on events for the human side. So far, most of the events of Robert's rebellion have actually lead to people learning about the White Walkers and their threat much sooner than had Jon not been there. Even the killing of Elia and Rhaegar's children have lead Ned to hide the truth from even Jon. Jon knowing nothing is probably what may have saved the realms of man from the long night. Jon Snow knows nothing, and it was necessary for the realms of man for him to know nothing. It was a serious butterfly effect that would have lead to disastrous events had Jon Snow known the truth. As Winter comes, and the Army of the Dead approaches in season 7, we will learn more of how much Jon Snow knowing nothing has saved all of Westeros.

  3. is everyone ignoring the fact that is seasion one jon burnt his hand throwing a lantern at a dead guy and burnt his hand so he dose not have dragon blood because dragons cant be hurt by fire.

  4. the red priestess (not milasandre) walks up to Jon the same way she walked to varys saying "you are Jon son of Leanna stark and raehgar targarian" you are the prince of whatever , this is how Jon will know and we all will know , probably

  5. I love how everyone ignores Daenerys in the R+L=J formula. You even start your fucking R+L=J video WITH DAENERYS and her visions. "oh those visions don't matter, move along, nothing to see here, oh wait, blue rose in ice, that one matters, fuck the rest though"

  6. Season 5 episode 5 Aemon Targarean is talking to Sam about dany saying she's the last living Targarean after he dies, all alone in the world. Then Jon walked in, sort of like a speak of the devil and he will appear moment.

  7. Bran is one great evidence.
    One of Bran's main reasons to existing in the story is to show us what really happened. Maybe in some other series, the past would just be the past, and wouldn't influence anything (because everything registered in its history is spot on). But in GoT case, Bran's existence and Warg's ability proves there are lots of things to be proven wrong, that will bring a consequence to the plot.

    Rhaegar and Lyanna's situation is one of the most misty and unsolved detail from the past, it was never clear what happened. The series constantly bring both Rhaegar and Lyanna characters to the conversation. Why are they important? They weren't king or queen yet, they wouldn't be so relevant to the history. It is clear Bran will solve this. He will see that the world has, indeed, the rightfulest possible king: a Targeryen boy. Jon Snow (Targeryen? Stark? He is still Snow to me hahaha).

    Bran will have a vision of Lyanna in her last moments, holding Jon, with blood and all, and after that, she will say something like that to Ned: "His name is Jon. He is a Targeryen, and people can't know. Protect him… Promise me, Ned."

    Shit, I can picture it perfectly… I really believe that will happen near season 6 finale. Bran will hold the hottest info in the 7 kingdoms. The only problem is: how will he do for convincing people he is telling the truth? This will get interesting…

    I like putting in my own words. The more I talk about it, the more real it gets. I can't imagine which other plot twist could happen.

    I love this show


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