Just a small talk of Jon Snow with Samwell Tarly in the Wall. Jon describes his only chance with a girl and Sam replies with the hilarious “So, you didn’t know where to put it!”

The scene is from the episode S01E04 – Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things.



  1. Jon goes for quality over quantity. He's not been with many women, but the two he's been with puts Ros to shame.
    If someone had told him about Ygritte and Daenerys during this scene, he'd probably faint.

  2. (Years later, while Jon visits Sam at the Citadel)
    Sam: Hey Jon, could you do me a favor and put this book back where it belongs?
    Jon: Okay… where does it go?
    Sam: (snickers) What do you mean, Jon?
    Jon: I mean, where does this book go?
    Sam: You just put it where it belongs.
    Jon: But I don't know where that is!
    Sam: (snickers) I don't understand the question Jon.
    Jon: Where do I put the book, Sam?!
    Sam: Jon, just put it where you're supposed to put it. Don't you know where that is?
    Jon: What are you on abo…
    Sam: 🙂
    Jon: I'm not gonna say it.
    Sam: Say what?
    Jon: Don't make me say it.
    Sam: What are you trying to say, Jon?
    Jon: (sigh) …I don't know where to put it.


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