Analyzing how Samwell Tarly fits the 7 Heroes Theory

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  1. Sam cant be father for purely maybe writing this series and reading it back… judgement and love.. Sam passes no judgements he is a one who followed orders and saved gilly. If anything hes been riding Jon's coattails since he went to castle black tbh…a more relevant arguement for father if this theory is proven to be seen in the books/show then i would say is Eddard Stark if it doesnt have to be a living character in his short time of scenes we saw all he did for the love of his home, land, family, and friends. To him discovering and if not stopped would have put the lannisters on trial for treason, murder, and adultery/incest. But this is just making an arguement saying Ned is more likely the father than Sam which conveys a more likely scenario for a "dead" man to be the father.

  2. Hey there. Mostly show follower here, but Ive read tons of lore and theories (also from books so far). I like the idea of 7 people being the ultimate heroes ending the war and actually forging the religion which was created in the past. I'd like to share my idea about Sam in this light. I will not go into your argument of Sam being the father. Your points are valid, I however Bran is much better suited to that title. But I think two other 'gods' are better fitting for Sam.

    Smith: knowledge is power and Sam might very well find the knowledge to forge new Valyrian Steel. He might not actually be the smith himself (Gendry is better fitting), but he might be the Smith god people will prey to hoping he will be right in his future claim how Valyrian Steel is forged. Since Gendry's former smithy is said to be the only one left in Westeros with that knowledge the God itself might also be Gendry. I doubt it however; if he is such a major character in the plotline, it was illogical to leave him out of the show for two full seasons straight.

    There are a few characters who could be the Crone. For the same reason as above, this should be the one with the knowledge to guide the people through the war. This could be a couple of people: Bran for his Greenseeing into past and possibly future, Tyrion for his knowledge about politics and the craft of ruling, Vaerys for being almost alknowing, but certainly Sam as the future measter and major character as such. This God is however depicted as female. Aside from Melissandre I cannot think of another female character suiting for the title. I doubt however gender is important (aside from mother and father) as the Stranger will most certainly be Arya if the hypothesis of 7 central heroes to save the world is right and the Stranger is depicted as male.

  3. These annotated videos that you are doing are my favorites! Wow! You really bring the story to life! I'm not sure about the father, but I do think Jaime is important. At least one of the three heads of the dragon. Dany/Jon/Jaime

  4. I'm convinced. Father: Sam, Warrior, Jon, Smith: Gendry, Mother: Dany, Maiden: Brienne, Stranger: Arya – I'm actually not sure about Gendry. It seems obvious but he's been gone so long. I don't feel like he'd play such a major part in the end. Who else could be the Smith? Tyrion? Davos? Jorah? Jaime? None really fit.

    or —- Father: Bran, Warrior, Jon, Smith: Sam,, Mother: Dany, Maiden: Brienne, Stranger: Arya

  5. sometimes I think there are multiple sets of the seven. That every family has it's own, and some of the side characters also fit the description, but in the end many comparisons are flawed.
    Tywin – Father, Cersei – Mother, Jaime – Warrior, Tyrion – Crone, Joffrey – Stranger, Myrcella – Maid, Tommen – Smith
    Tywin was not really the father though. He passed judgement, yes, but he wasn't really loving. And Cersei as mother is ultimately flawed, as in all of her children died. Myrcella is most likely only a maid due to her age, and tommen is only smith, because the other gods fit to him even less. He doesn't seem to be a warrior, and doesn't have the experiance for the father. All we know about him, is that he likes to play with and tame animals and protect them from Joffrey… which to me seems to be most in line with the smith, since taming an animal requires dedication, time and work.
    We could also repeat a similar thing with the Starks:
    (Ned – father), Catelyn – mother, Robb – Warrior, Bran – Crone, Sansa – Maid, Arya – Stranger, Rickon – Smith
    Again Rickon doesn't really fit he smith, but all the others are kind of obvious, though not always perfect. Also with the others there are some issues. As for example Robb who definitally was a warrior in the sense of military leader, was not so much of an actual fighter and actually declined the challenge to a duel from fellow warrior Jaime. And then Jon is not in this list. But to a degree that's also why I have Ned in brackets. Because he, like Jon, was not raised in the light of the seven. The rest of the family were, though some of them tend to lean towards the old gods.

    And then there are of course the others who are not part of this family.
    My point is, most characters can be compared to one (or multiple) of the gods of the seven. And then there's also the question of whether or not, they could change or pogress in time. For example Stannis could be seen as father, though a strict one, but Stannis' shadow baby definitally has something of a stranger.
    So that would give us multiple sets of the seven, that over time would probably narrow down to the few who survive and still are representations of their gods.

    And that brings me to Sam…
    Because Sam to me looks very much like an alternative for the crone. Together with Tyrion and Bran he looks most like a crone I think. He tries to assimilate knowledge after all. And while he has some qualities of other gods… (is he still a maid in the books? ^^) the crone I think fits best to him. After all he also is Aemons successor in a way. But i don't thing Samwell really is the crone. Even less so should the theory that he's the one writing down the story be true. I don't really believe in this theory, but if it would be the case, I don't think he'll be one of the main heroes in it. It would be a) a tad to much, since writing the whole thing down would make him important enough, that he doesn't need to do more than just survive to earn his place in the story, and b) I actually think it's rather uncommon to write a book in which you yourself are the hero. Yeah, I know it happens, but these Maester-historians and many other historians or fictional writers from our world, who chose this way of writing the history, tend to seperate the roles of writer and hero. They are not the ultimate hero, but they write about those heroes, they've traveled and experianced their advantures with. It's obviously not a given… and in this case the real hero would still be Jon, and Sam would just be one of seven… (or six), but still…

  6. Towards the end of S6 there's a speech the high sparrow gives just after 2 big moments for Dani and Jon. Dani deals with the masters and Jon deals with Ramsey. The high sparrow says something like 'the warrior seeks out those who evade justice and pray on the weak, the mother gives mercy to those who kneel'. I watched this video an hour or so before and it suddenly took on a whole new meaning!

    Jon had just chased down Ramsey and Dani (via tyrion) had just spared the soldiers and the master who kneeled before them.

    I wonder if the faith of the 7 was created from the stories of key 7 characters from the long night? The faith of the seven led to the destruction of weirwoods and mis-trust in the old gods. It would be interesting if those 7 archetypes were tales/myths themselves. A bit like Bran the Bilder and Garth Greenhand. You could liken it to the apostles…in the way that overtime the lines between the real people and the religious symbol became blurred

  7. There's a funny conversation on talking thrones started by Lady de Wynter. She says she's not getting any younger and neither is GRRM and that she's ready to exert some not so gentle pressure. ROAD TRIP. I said I'll make a fuzzy faced doll with a flat cap and bring my sewing needles. She says we'll leave from Austin picking up the young and old and play the book cds and discuss everything on the way. She says we'll probably be too exhausted to do more than throw marshmallows at Grrms house but maybe a news crew will catch grrm telling us to F-off! EPIC ROAD TRIP ALERT. HIT LIKE IF YOU'RE IN!

  8. Of all of the different religions in this world, I think the Faith of the Seven is the most "made up". It was created after others already existed, after the Old Gods and the Others, after the Red God and those further east in Essos. It only spread from northwest Essos area with the Andals and seems to contradict itself by believing in one god with 7 parts/phases this makes Death the same as the light or life entity. All the other religions believe in at least two, one for life and one for death, the red love their life god and the faceless men love their death god as an example. The seven are more ?cult? and part of the reason why so many have forgotten the past, the time when the wall was built, the time when the Stark words and their castle's name were created, of the real and more important battle to come. I have also seen lists for the Starks as members of the 7, Ned the father, Cat the Mother, Arya the stranger etc. but this also makes it possible to just list any 7 characters and try to relate something about them to the associated member of the 7. In my opinion I think GRRM is showing us how some things like religions can get in the way of the truth or real story of the world, something in this story that is beyond the Faith of the Seven.
    Even if I don't agree with a theory I like to see them because it opens up the chance of finding an idea for different theories.

  9. I see a connection between davos half hand and all his info about the importance of 1 bastard boy, and thinking stannis was Azhor. Qoren halfhand gives jon a lot of info about being a nameless bastard who gives his life for the realm. Both halfhands end up with jon summarizing all into jons plot. That's why the half hands, join the info into jons story line. Jaime is the father, justice, others judging him ect. Sam, Davos, bran, gilly, are not fighters they'll use magic, ect to help the 7 in my opinion.

  10. about the passage from the book u showed us at the end. i dont think its a proof that sam is the father. its more likely that the tree eyed raven sent cold hand and the crows to save sam in order to make bran pass trough the black gate since only a man of the night watch can open it. its more likely cuz the three eyed raven can see in the future ans shit so, he just needed a way to have bran pass on the other side of the wall

  11. Bridge4/Kev…OK, I finished watching this time before making comment…lol. I still see Davos most Fatherly at the current time in the story. But Sam will well fulfill the role at the end. And I believe Bloodraven and the Children are OK, not evil. The Children just wanted to keep balance of nature, which men were destroying. The magic they used created beings too intense and uncontrollable. It went too far in the other direction, and caused just as great a disturbance in balance by going too extreme, and they know this. Bloodraven was assisting the Children, trying to help make things right by trying to bring things back to neutral by helping humans, IMO.

  12. Bridge4/Kevin!!! You love Joffrey too! I love Paul Bettany, especially in that role. In my opinion, he made that movie! OK, back to video again. I keep stopping as you mention stuff. I'll try to wait til video is over this time…lol!


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