Game of Thrones Spoilers Episode 7 Season 3

This is just me being a whinny brat about the last episode of game of thrones. It was in my opinion one of the dumbest episodes of the series!!! Robb Stark is going to die soon but so is Joffery. The Red Wedding is also going to take place very soon. Please let me know what you think below. Sorry about the low quality video. I just wanted to get this rant out and youtube…

All the Different Houses
House Arryn
House Baratheon
House Greyjoy
House Lannister
House Stark
House Targaryen
House Tully
House Tyrell
Night’s Watch
People of Essos
People of Westeros
Royal court and officials



  1. im mad to girl, im mad to! The king slayer Jaime Lannister should of had sex with Breinne the warrior woman! first of all. Second of all, all most all of the wolfs are dead now! Rob Stark is dead, just like that…. :/ The little girl kicked a lot of ass in this season though, but how does she always end up with a super powerful killer or hit man always ready to defend her? The dragons where really cool this season to! Um, also, greyjoy got his penis cut off…

  2. it gets only worse. I hear Joeffrey is poisoned, Tyrian is accussed, but my gut say she did it. Killing Jeoffrey, replacing him with 8yr old Tommin puts her back into power and free of Lorris and able to push back Tywin, her over-bearing father…


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