I couldn’t help myself. I also felt that society, as a whole, needed this video.

This video is un-monetized and does not contain links to other videos/channels. It is what it is.



  1. Around 60 videos uploaded in 2015, then dropped to 11 in 2016, and now so far we only got 3 in 2017. What are you up to jeremy? I'm not trying to complain or anything, just saying if you aren't planning on making any more videos any time soon, why not explain it? Maybe do a video about it, or write it somewhere for everyone to read

  2. well that was pointless i was hoping that this would explain why everyone is so into this series. the books weren't that great and as everyone knows the book is always better. and yet the show is popular? i guess people have no taste

  3. Dear cinemasins Jeremy i am a fan and thoroughly enjoy your work and your sinicaly assholish but fair view of the world and am probably waisting both our times in making this coment but I would just like to say your awesome and your work along with everyone else's that contributes cinemasins inspired me to explore the world of cinema and all related art and thus as a thank you i suggest you watch the anime Full metal alchemists brotherhood you probably wont have time but… thats is all and ** you 😁

  4. Is this pointing out how deep the water got when he was just riding a horse on said water? How far did he get tackled off that horse to be sinking that deep when just before the water barely came up to the horse's ankles?

  5. Fell like this gives us a good look into Jeremy's mind. Whenever he's watching something, he's just imagining what references can be put on top of it. He clearly is now just unable to watch anything that contains someone falling into water, because Skyfall just blares in his head and he has to get it out by making a video.


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