How come Grey Worm can understand the common tongue in earlier seasons? (Picture: HBO)

One Game Of Thrones fan was paying very close attention to season three, as they think they might have spotted a plot hole concerning Grey Worm.

Grey Worm is the commander of the Unsullied and serves Daenerys Targaryen as one of her main advisers.

Game Of Thrones fan DreadPirateRoberts raised a good point on Reddit about how Grey Worm is able to understand the common tongue in season three, yet he is shown learning to speak it in later seasons.

They write: ‘On several occasions in Season 3, Greyworm is shown to understand the conversations taking place around him in the common tongue. He participates in in the discussions without anyone translating it to Valyrian for him. It isn’t until a later season when Greyworm is shown learning the common tongue and struggling to use it. Is this an error in continuity?’

Other fans chipped in with possible explanations for it, with one writing: ‘Daenerys was most likely not the first Common-speaking person to buy Unsullied. He might’ve picked up a bit of the language from Kraznys’ other clients.’

Where would Grey Worm have picked up the common tongue? (Picture: HBO)

Another suggested: ‘It would make sense for them to know some since people in westeros could probably buy them too, but yeah kinda weird if he learnt after’.

One fan replied: ‘Maybe he understands a bit of it at that point in time but hasn’t learned to speak it yet, hence his lessons later on.’

That last explanation makes sense given the scene below, from season four, where Grey Worm appears to understand the conversation taking place between Daenerys and Jorah.

Hopefully this wasn’t an oversight from the show, but with so many characters to keep track of you couldn’t blame them if something slipped through the net.

At just six episodes long the final season of Game Of Thrones is the shortest one yet.

But with the episodes getting a bumper running time of well over an hour long, we’re going to get lots of good stuff packed in to each one.

Director David Nutter revealed the expanded running time during a Q&A session with Game Of Thrones fans on Reddit.

When asked about the running time of the episodes for the final season, David replied: ‘Season 8 episodes will all I think be longer than 60 minutes. They’ll be dancing around the bigger numbers, I know that for sure.’

He added that the final season puts together characters who hadn’t shared screen time in the past.

David revealed: ‘It was a chance for a lot of characters to work together that hadn’t worked together before. Or at least hadn’t worked together in a long time. So there was a sense of discovery and appreciation.

‘Everyone saw it was coming to an end so there was a real family sensibility to it knowing that it was about to end — lot of tears, lot of sadness but it was very special.’

Game Of Thrones returns in April

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