A few years ago, actors Evan Rachel Wood and Esmé Bianco testified about their experiences with domestic violence in the hopes of passing the Phoenix Act, a law that would expand the statute of limitations for survivors. In 2021, Wood — best known for playing Dolores in HBO’s Westworld — named her abuser: Brian Warner, a performer better known by the stage name Marilyn Manson. Several other women came forward at that time with similar stories. Bianco, best known for playing Ros on the first three seasons of Game of Thrones, took Warner to court; she accused him of sexual assault and sexual battery as well as violations of human trafficking laws.

Bianco’s allegations were pretty horrific: she claims that while living with Warner in 2011, he deprived her of sleep, cut her with a knife during sex, sexually assaulted her when she was unconscious, and chased her with an axe. She also alleges that Warner flew her to Los Angeles for an alleged work opportunity and then spent days abusing her for a music video that never materialized.

Game of Thrones star Esmé Bianco settles domestic violence case against Marilyn Manson

Now, the parties have settled, according to Rolling Stone. In a statement, Bianco’s attorney said that she “has agreed to resolve her claims against Brian Warner and Marilyn Manson Records, Inc. in order to move on with her life and career.”

We don’t know the terms of the settlement. This news comes a few weeks after another case against Warner, this one filed by Ashley Morgan Smithline, was dismissed without prejudice. Meanwhile, Warner is still embroiled in a defamation lawsuit against Evan Rachel Wood over her statements about him. “I am very confident that I have the truth on my side and that the truth will come out,” she said last year on The View.

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h/t The A.V. Club



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