Game of Thrones star Hafthor Bjornsson has shown off his incredible new figure as he prepares for his highly anticipated boxing debut.

The strongman freak is set to meet bitter rival and former Strongman world champion Eddie Hall in the boxing ring in September.

As part of his revolutionary training program to shred weight and increase his explosive power and aerobic capacity, Bjornsson has been slimming down from his former weight of 423 pounds.

He had previously tipped the scales at more than 440 pounds.

The 6-foot-7 monster dropped 40 pounds in one month after the official announcement that he and “The Beast” would settle their grievances in a sanctioned boxing fight this year.

In May, Bjornsson beat Hall’s world record deadlift to set a new mark at 1,104 pounds.

The pair have long been engaged in a war of words with each previously accusing the other of cheating.

From the Icelandic star’s latest Instagram posts it is clear he has continued his weight cut and is looking fierce ahead of the fight, still five months away.

The 32-year-old’s frame has always been a sight to behold, but his latest Instagram posts this week show a significantly more ripped machine than when he targeted brute strength for annual Strongman competitions at the expense of conditioning.

Now training with a new goal, Bjornsson is showing a freakish new look.

The fight was ridiculed across the boxing world when first announced after videos emerged of the two hulks appearing to have no speed whatsoever in their strikes.

However, both have shown they are serious about putting on a show and have the chiseled physiques to prove it.

Hall has also been cutting significantly, having shed more than 66 pounds to reach 359 last year after tipping the scales previously at 432 pounds.

The Sun reports Hall would far outweigh the current crop of heavyweight boxing stars, and his coach wants the former World’s Strongest Man to one day be among them.

The trainer, who goes by the name Lydon, said: “I’m seeing massive differences every time Eddie comes to training.

“I give him something to work on, he comes back and he’s nailed it.

“We’ve got him from being like a man who is like a steel bar and quite rigid because of his size – the size is still there – but now he’s got a lot of whip in his punches.

“He’s really punching crisp and hard.

“I said to Ed that by the time he boxes Thor, I want him in the position where he’s able to box any British heavyweight. He’s doing ringcraft, technique and by the time he’s ready to box this time next year I feel Ed will be able to box any British heavyweight.”



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