Hafthor Bjornsson, who portrays Gregor

Kathy McCormack/Associated Press

It takes a certain amount of strength to crush opponents as “The Mountain” on HBO’s hit show Game of Thrones, and Hafthor Bjornsson showed some of it off with an unreal deadlift.

TMZ Sports noted Bjornsson deadlifted a barbell clocking in at 1,042 pounds, a feat he shared on his Instagram page. The lift occurred in a gym in his home country of Iceland, and TMZ noted he said it was the heaviest deadlift ever done in a gym setting.

Impressive lifting feats are nothing new for Bjornsson, who won the World’s Strongest Man, Europe’s Strongest Man and Arnold Strongman Classic in 2018.

It’s not hard to see how he won those competitions if he’s deadlifting like this.   



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