Game of Thrones star Hafthor Bjornsson once competed and LOST in an arm wrestling contest against professional Devon Larratt – despite being nearly 200lbs heavier than him.

Bjornsson, who played notorious brute ‘The Mountain’ in the hit HBO series, weighed in at 419lb compared to Larratt’s 225lb for the match-up in 2015.

Hafthor Bjornsson lost to famous arm-wrestler Devon Larratt – despite being 200lbs less heavy

Hafthor Bjornsson lost to famous arm-wrestler Devon Larratt – despite being 200lbs less heavy

However, the Canadian, who is nicknamed ‘No Limits’, came out trumps, proving that technique can overcome raw strength in certain competitions.

Meanwhile, Eddie Hall, who was crowned the the World’s Strongest Man in 2017, has accepted an invitation from Bjornsson to fight in a sanctioned boxing bout after he broke his deadlift record.

The Icelandic actor took his title as he lifted 501kg to the delight of his partners in the gym.

And ater joyously celebrating his feat, the 31-year-old proceeded to call out his rival.

Bjornsson broke the record set by Hall in 2017 and the pair have agreed to step into the ring

Rogue Fitness (youTube)

Bjornsson broke the record set by Hall in 2017 and the pair have agreed to step into the ring

He said: “CoreSports just offered me a seven-year contract, I have signed it already.

“Eddie Hall has been running his mouth now for weeks and I know he has been given the same contract.

“So Eddie, I just knocked out your record. And now I’m ready to knock you out in the ring.

“It’s time to put your fist where your big mouth is, and sign the CoreSports contract.

“I’m ready. Are you ready?”

Hall wasted little time to respond to Bjornsson.

“1,000 per cent I’m going to sign those papers,” the Brit replied in a Facebook video.

“And you know why I’m going to sign those papers… it’s not the money, it’s not the dead lift feud we’ve got going on, nothing to do with that.

“It’s because you called me a cheat at World’s Strongest Man 2017.

“I can’t put that to bed, I can’t forget it. People may forget it, but you’ve never apologised.

“You think you should’ve won that year, regardless of the trophies or not, and you let people know that.”



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