We chase a lot of things in life – money, success, happiness, relationships. But we might forget the most important of them all – Health. Although there’s no need to chase it as good health is a by-product of a healthy lifestyle, we should not forget that age-old adage; Health is wealth! So, if we’re healthy, there’s a good chance we may achieve whatever we want to in our lives. The recent outbreak of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused havoc and panic all over the globe prompting WHO to declare it a global pandemic. However, people need a bit of humor to lighten themselves in these difficult times. And, a Game of Thrones star Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo) meme has provided just that! Read on!

Health Organizations over the world have advised people to wash hands properly and regularly as an important measure to combat this serious illness. It’s not practiced as much as it should be though. A Facebook group, Mommies That Keep It Real, posted a Jason Momoa meme picking up these two very details. It’s a picture of Jason Momoa in an ocean as Aquaman and captioned, “Wash your hands like you’re washing Jason Mamoa”. Yes, the caption has a typo (*Momoa), and yes, it’s trending! It’s the message, we guess, that people are digging at.

Is it hilarious? It is, and it is not. The appeal of the dashing American actor is what draws you to the moral – Wash your hands! While people are sharing the meme quite a lot, not everyone might be privy to its humor.

Any which way, Momoa’s charm is magnetic and isn’t gender-specific. So, yeah, the meme’s in the interest of all humanity.

Amidst all this, fans are eagerly waiting for Jason’s return as the aquatic hero in Aquaman 2. But the wait is still long, as the potential release is slated for December 2022.

The Coronavirus disease, COVID-19 is caused by a new virus called, SARS-CoV-2. The situation is grim at the moment as the disease has spread to almost 120 countries in the world. It has infected around 130,000 people and caused close to 5000 deaths. The outbreak has primarily affected China since it originated there, but now it’s a global emergency. The authorities of every nation are taking necessary and immediate measures to mitigate the problem.

Washing Jason Momoa is no easy task, but washing your hands is! So, please do wash your hands and follow all the guidelines by WHO and CDC (Centers for Disease Control) to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. What are your thoughts? Tell us in the comments below.



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