It turns out helping to murder Jon Snow is quite bad for your peace of mind (Picture: Getty; HBO)

It was a moment that made us all weep and wail – it also prompted mass outcry from the show’s fans all over the world.

Yes, Jon Snow dying in series five of Games Of Thrones was just about one of the most horrifying moments there’s ever been on TV.

Thankfully it wasn’t permanent, but that didn’t make the hurt any less real.

That didn’t stop certain fans of the show from venting their anger towards the Night’s Watch plotters – especially his turncoat steward, Olly.

In fact, the hate was so vehement that actor Brenock O’Connor received a Ramsay Bolton-style death threat.

Actor Brenock O’Connor received a Ramsay Bolton-style death threat for his part in Kit Harington’s on-screen murder in series five (Picture: HBO)

Speaking about the reaction following the episode’s premiere in 2015, the 18-year-old actor said:

‘I woke up and I had a tweet from a random guy in America, and it hadn’t even come out in England because it was aired the night before in America, and it was, “I’m going to murder you and your family and rape their corpses and feed it to my dogs”.’
We were broken but that’s a bit strong, right?

It didn’t phase Olly though, as during his chat with The Sun, he added: ‘I was 15 at the time and was like, “OK, so that’s out there”. But you’ve just got to take it because you’ve done a believable job. Pat yourself on the back.

The then 15-year-old woke up to a STRONG tweet from one fan in America. Lesson? Don’t hurt Jon Snow? (Picture: HBO)

‘You’ve just got to let it skim over you — it’s not real.’

Luckily for Olly he wasn’t actually responsible for putting Kit Harington’s King In The North out of action permanently.

That’s not going to be the case forever though, as we all know series eight is currently filming at the moment – with it being the last ever series of the show.

With a rumoured spring premiere date, the series will draw to a close the small screen version of George R.R. Martin’s A Song Of Ice And Fire.

MORE: Game Of Thrones star admits he was blindsided by major character death: ‘I didn’t know’

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