There have been a lot of Game of Thrones stars who have played superheroes (or villains). Sophie Turner (Sansa) played Jean Grey/Phoenix in a couple of X-Men movies. Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell) starred as Iron Fist on his own Netflix show. Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo) is Aquaman, for heaven’s sake, and if New Mutants ever comes out, we’ll see Maisie Williams as the mutant Wolfsbane.

But this may trump all of them. The GeekHouseShow recently posted a clip of Game of Thrones Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) saying simply that she would like to play Deadpool, the famously irreverent Merc with a Mouth:

“Well, I’d love to play Deadpool. Obvs. Anyway, that’s been taken, by a man.”

Honeslty, I don’t know how this question came up, but I’m glad it did. As Headey, notes, Deadpool is already played by a man, Ryan Reynolds, but there are options. First of all, the Deadpool movies are pretty gonzo affairs, so who’s to say Headey couldn’t don the mask and play him for a full feature just for a gag? Also, Heroic Hollywood points out that, in the comics, there is a “Lady Deadpool,” an alter ego for Wanda Wilson. She teams up with different versions of the character from across the multiverse in the Deadpool Corps series. Are you writing this down for Deadpool 3, Reynolds?

Speaking of Deadpool 3, we know it’s being worked on, although there may be a transition period as Reynolds and company get used to working with Marvel Studios and Disney. Until Disney bought the company out, the Deadpool movies were 20th Century Fox Affairs, but no more.

Maybe hiring Lena Headey would give the movie the direction it needs? Just throwing things out there.

Realistically, I think Headey is just having fun here. She’s been having a lot of it during this quarantine period, and has become easily my favorite Game of Thrones veteran to follow on Instagram.

An example: here she is demonstrating how to spread butter on your face:

Here she is talking on a banana like it’s a phone:

Here’s a video of a gerbil munching on a cracker for some reason…

….and it just goes on like that.

All hail the queen of quarantine.

Next: 12 Game of Thrones stars who’ve also played superheroes (or villains)

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