After Donald Trump weighed in on the South Korean movie, Parasite winning Best Picture at this year’s Oscars, Game of Thrones actress, Lena Headey is slamming the former reality star turned president for his critically, divisive and xenophobic remarks with a NSFW rant of her own. On Saturday, Headey took to Instagram to share her own thoughts on the president with comments alluding to the world leader’s past remarks about grabbing women’s parts in a leaked Access Hollywood tape with Billy Bush.

“P—y grabbing earth destroying raging microwaved ball bag,” she wrote in the caption of a screenshot off Twitter via the studio behind the Oscar-winning movie that responded to a news story of Trump going off on the Academy Awards for the film’s honor.

“Trump goes off on the Oscars for giving Best Picture to Parasite because it’s a South Korean movie,” read the initial tweet, which met with a response from the studio, NEON that read: “Understandable, he can’t read.”

Headey’s heated and fiery response dug deep with social media, many of whom chimed in with their own take on the controversy raised by the president, who has shown off a plethora of pop culture takes over the years, seemingly raised from his past in Hollywood.

“Best, most accurate description of Trump I’ve ever seen,” wrote one fan.

“He’d be ok with it if it was a North Korean movie,” another fan wrote alongside the laughing emoji.

“He wouldn’t understand the message of that film even in English…” added another.

Others were not so excited over her response and pleaded with the Game of Thrones alum to be “kinder” in her dialogue on social media.

“What happened to ‘be nice?'” asked another.

“Wow. So much hate for nothing. You should be ashamed,” added another.

“Im not american , im just a fan of GoT but i think we should respect everyone’s oppinion (sic) cause from my perspective parasite was a simple movie there is nothing epic [about] it , i never thought it’ll win a best picture , i think thats just oscars trying to promote foreign movies !!” chimed in another.

During a campaign rally in Colorado last week, Trump criticized the film with a heated conversation about “how bad” the Academy Awards were this year, after giving its top honor to South Korea.

“What the hell was all that about?” Trump said. “We got enough problems with South Korea on trade and on top of it they give it the best movie of the year. Was it good?”

The audience reportedly booed when Trump mentioned the Oscars and then cheered when he offered classic films as an alternative, including how the top honor should have been awarded to David O’ Selznick’s 1939 Oscar-winning classic, Gone With the Wind.

“Let’s get ‘Gone With the Wind,'” he said. “Can we get ‘Gone With the Wind’ back, please? ‘Sunset Boulevard.’ So many great movies. The winner is from South Korea. I thought it was best foreign film, right? Best foreign movie. No. Did this ever happen before?”

Parasite is a story that crosses boundaries to comment most cleverly on the social economy and social mobility that many, even in middle America face on a daily basis compared to the “superstar economy.” Telling the story of four poor, unemployed family members living in a slum basement apartment, they humorously infiltrate a wealthy family residing at a luxurious mansion before things unravel violently and tragically.

Photo credit: Dan MacMedan/WireImage



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