As Davos Seavert, it has been part of the “Game of Thrones” universe for eight years. Now Liam Cunningham has introduced a new main character in the series “Domina” and reveals to T-Online whether he sees the potential for success.

Since the second season, Irish actor Liam Cunningham has been part of the lead cast of “Game of Thrones”. Davos shined in the role of Seavert, also known as “The Junior Knight”, just before the end of the successful 2019 series. Now the 60-year-old returns with another series of legends: Cunningham slips into the role of Livy, the father of the first Roman emperor, in the new historical drama “Domina” which can currently be seen on Sky and Sky Tickets. .

The series is based on the real life of Livia Drusilla (Cassia Smutniak), the first Roman woman to hold the imperial position of Augusta and one of the most stable dynasties during the imperial period.

Liam Cunningham (left) is part of the “Domina” series, which can currently be seen on Sky and Sky Tickets. (Source: School)

So far this has been said from the point of view of men like Julius Caesar or Shakespeare. “Domina” focuses entirely on the description of women and shows how a woman conquered the empire. To this day, Livia is considered one of the first feminists in history.

“I no longer have gooseberries.”

Being part of such a narrative not only fills Liam Cunningham with pride, but also fills him with a new thrill, as he says in T-Online that he finally lost the “Game of Thrones”. “I’ve been on the set of ‘Game of Thrones’ for eight years – so in the end it was predictable in some way. Awakens, but at the same time awakens my fire to work harder. “

So, he immediately took on the role of “Domina”. When it comes to “Domina”, I’m excited to see if the audience is as hungry for new stories as I am, “said Liam Cunningham. He believes the series will be a great success – is it similar to “Game of Thrones”? “Game of Thrones” has been able to develop into a cultural phenomenon – it’s already in a few seasons. On the other hand, ‘Domina’ is still new and meets all these requirements, “60- a guaranteed year.



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