Dickon Tarly had a short lifespan on the last season of Game Of Thrones, but the man who played him still has a theory on who should end up on the Iron Throne.

Tom Hopper had a memorable turn as Dickon in the last season of the show, before he finally succumbed to dragon fire alongside his father, Randyll, for denying Daenerys Targaryen as their queen.

However, Hooper hopes the Tarly name will live on and eventually triumph through Dickon’s older brother Samwell Tarly.

“My favourite theory is that Sam Tarly ends up on the throne,” Hopper told AAP.

In Sydney to appear at Oz Comic-Con, Hopper finds it funny that people look to him to predict the show’s ending, such is the interest in the series.

“What’s weird about it is when they want to know those answers from me, someone who played Dickon Tarly for four episodes, it’s a bit bizarre to me because I don’t really hold any weight,” he said.

“Maybe they think I know something more or I know something and I’m going to let something slip, but really my opinion is completely useless I think.”

He’s still trying to figure out why his short stint on the show has made such an impact, but he has another theory about that one.

“I think Dickon, the name, has a lot to do with it, it’s a memorable name,” he said.

Hopper has become the subject of several memes on the internet because of his character’s name, including a memorable one alongside actor Alfie Allen who plays the castrated character, Theon Greyjoy.

“There was one with Dickon and then Alfie’s character with ‘Dick Off’ put next to each other, which I thought was quite clever, there’s been quite a lot of those,” he said.

Being killed off on Game of Thrones doesn’t exactly come as much of a surprise to most actors but Hopper says the manner in which they die is what’s important.

“You know how long you’re going to be on the show for and how you’re going to die and everything. For me, I think with Game of Thrones a huge part of it is, if you’re going to die, what is the death?” he said.

“When they told me what it was I was like ‘Well that’s pretty cool, by firing squad by a dragon, so I took it with open arms big time.”

*Tom Hopper will be appearing at Oz Comic-Con at the International Convention Centre Sydney from September 30 – October 1



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