A video has emerged on Twitter. From whence it comes, I do not know, but it has behind-the-scenes footage of Emilia Clarke, Maisie Williams and Kit Harington — all of them in costume as Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark and Jon Snow respectively — saying goodbye to the cast and crew of Game of Thrones after shooting their final scenes. Watch that, and have your heart broken:
Cue the water works and the bullet points:
- Emilia Clarke: “You guys have all been there and made me feel…really lucky, just really, really, really lucky. I’m just so grateful.”
- Maisie Williams: “I’ve really struggled sometimes with how it’s completely changed my life, and every year coming back here and being with all of you guys has really made it all worthwhile.”
- Kit Harington: “My heart is breaking. I love this show.” And he can’t seem to get out anymore.
This is emotional stuff, particularly for the younger cast members who grew up with the show. I can’t imagine how surreal it was for them to pack all that away.
All that said, does anyone know where this clip comes from? It’s not The Last Watch, the documentary about the making of season 8 HBO aired a week after the series finale, and so far as I can tell it’s not from any of the “Inside the Episode” or “The Game Revealed” segments from the first five episodes of the season.
Weirdly, just earlier today, we were wondering about what happened to the “Inside the Episode” and “The Game Revealed” segments for the series finale, “The Iron Throne.” Apparently they exist but were not shown as usual. Could this be a clip from that? Something for the Blu-ray home boxset? Something else? I’m genuinely wondering. What am I missing?
And while you puzzle over that, here’s the first poster for Last Christmas, a romantic comedy starring Emilia Clarke based on that one Wham! song:
Can’t wait to go behind the scenes of that one.
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