A video has emerged on Twitter. From whence it comes, I do not know, but it has behind-the-scenes footage of Emilia Clarke, Maisie Williams and Kit Harington ā€” all of them in costume as Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark and Jon Snow respectively ā€” saying goodbye to the cast and crew of Game of ThronesĀ after shooting their final scenes. Watch that, and have your heart broken:

Cue the water works and the bullet points:

  • Emilia Clarke: ā€œYou guys have all been there and made me feelā€¦really lucky, just really, really, really lucky. Iā€™m just so grateful.ā€
  • Maisie Williams: ā€œIā€™ve really struggled sometimes with how itā€™s completely changed my life, and every year coming back here and being with all of you guys has really made it all worthwhile.ā€
  • Kit Harington: ā€œMy heart is breaking. I love this show.ā€ And he canā€™t seem to get out anymore.

This is emotional stuff, particularly for the younger cast members who grew up with the show. I canā€™t imagine how surreal it was for them to pack all that away.

All that said, does anyone know where this clip comes from? Itā€™s notĀ The Last Watch, the documentary about the making of season 8 HBO aired a week after the series finale, and so far as I can tell itā€™s not from any of the ā€œInside the Episodeā€ or ā€œThe Game Revealedā€ segments from the first five episodes of the season.

Weirdly, just earlier today, we were wondering about what happened to the ā€œInside the Episodeā€ and ā€œThe Game Revealedā€ segments for the series finale, ā€œThe Iron Throne.ā€ Apparently they exist but were not shown as usual. Could this be a clip from that? Something for the Blu-ray home boxset? Something else? Iā€™m genuinely wondering. What am I missing?

And while you puzzle over that, hereā€™s the first poster forĀ Last Christmas, a romantic comedy starring Emilia Clarke based on that oneĀ Wham! song:

Canā€™t wait to go behind the scenes of that one.

Next: This deleted Game of Thrones scene would have changed Cerseiā€™s story

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