I love the show, I am just poking fun at the terrible writing this season, which is objectively bad. So, calm your tits please.

However you slice it, the Euron’ teleportation is beyond ridiculous. Assuming that fleet, which is shown to be giant on screen, does not include Euron, how and when did they get the go-ahead notice?

Jon survived long enough under ice cold water, to then emerge seemingly unscathed, with a minor chill discomforting him. Rather than dying from hypothermia, he gallivants to meet uncle Coldhands.

Knowledge is power Littlefinger said a couple of seasons ago, so you would think, that if he met a boy that seemed to be omnipresent, he would get the fuck out of that boys vicinity. But nah fam, Littlefinger needs to die, because we are too stupid to write his character – D&D.

In the War of the Five King’s Renly had the strongest army, because he was backed by the Tyrells. Now, apparently they are a bunch of pansies who can’t fight.

Jon does not jump on the dragon because plot.

Tyrion roasted the shit out of Theon, only for the writers to forget about all that, and start pretending it was the other way around.

Movie: Stardust
Voice impression: DrSteveLove
Redlettermedia watches Resident Evil
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Hit & Miss (TV Series 2012)
Original GhostBusters Theme Song
Thumbnail: The Order of the Green hand



  1. Isn't the reason that the Tyrells got overwhelmed the fact that their bannermen went to the other side? I thought that Randyll Tarly's defection was supposed to indicate that. I guess that still doesn't explain Olenna's comment totally though.

  2. HAHAHA thanks for putting in that Tyrion/Theon part. That really pissed me off. They can't even remember anything that happened in previous seasons. Maybe you could do something with Arya's hypocrisy for being angry with Sansa for cooperating with the Lannisters while she was Tywin's cupbearer for like a year and could have easily killed him at any moment? Or maybe edit Olenna saying that "Tyrells were never great warriors" followed by Loras defeating the Mountain at the Hand's Tourney?


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