D&D’s epic writing:
â–º Sansa thinking that Cersei is a threat to the North.

â–ºSam conveniently forgetting about dragonglass until the plot requires him to remember about it.

â–º Euron of house Hot Topic is self-explanatory.

â–ºLord Varys telling Dany her dragons can devour him if she wants, only for her to threaten him with a similar faith two seconds later.

â–º Preston Jacobs made an excellent point, considering the location of the infection, the greyscale had to spread to his junk.

â–º Valyrian is my mother tongue! O wait nvm that, the plot needs me to be ignorant.

â–º Davos’ mind blowing revelation, only to have a wight bear that is on fire attack the party, because it looks cool.

â–ºThe largest fleet the world has ever seen, just randomly goes by Dragonstone, not capturing it. After that the fleet makes quick trip around the continent.

â–º Tyrion is a great judge of character.

â–º Bran is autistic one of a sudden.

The paragraph that best summarizes my opinions regarding this season.

Loren Grush: A common refrain I hear when I complain about the choices this show makes is that I’m getting upset about the plausibility of a show with dragons and zombies in it. But good fantasy and science fiction is always marked by the ability to create ground rules and then stick to them. And this season, it’s clear the writers gave up on sticking to the meticulously established rules from the earlier parts of the series. In fact, they seem to be willfully fudging those rules in order to save the characters they like best. When that happens, you eliminate all stakes and audience investment.

Full article:

The thumbnail is borrowed from the awesome ASOIAF channel the ‘Order of the Greenhand’

David Benioff and D. B. Weiss are the creators of HBO’s Game of Thrones.



  1. > Littlefinger dying
    > Jon deciding to go on a wight killing spree instead of jumping up on the dragon
    > Littlefinger dying
    > Not sending all three dragons at once to burn the Night King literally standing within eyesight to a crisp
    > Littlefinger dying
    > Arya being a super ninja at one scene only to be fooled by Littlefinger hiding 10 feet away with literally half his body sticking out
    > Littlefinger dying

  2. Hm–only someone who isn't the sharpest cookie would agree with these. Sam was clearly saying that he didn't believe Stannis, not that he didn't think it was important, but the book confirms it was true. And a bunch of nobles trapped across the sea in Westeros would not speak Valyrian as well as someone who is trained in the language and lives in world where it is the living language, especially not Danny who was raised by non Valyrians on the run. Her only access to the language would have been her brother, and he would have only been 8 when they sailed across the sea. I don't know many 8 year old linguists. I could go on, but similar nonsense plagues everything listed in this video. Season 7 didn't have bad writing–just people who are not as clever as they think they are trying to pick it apart.

  3. Bad writing? Really? You must have produced far better work then? Would you be so kind , Dear Black Goat QoHor, to give us a list of your astounding work , so as to educate the less learned like me of what a great work should be!

  4. That was pretty cool. Although, I think the biggest one was omitted, that being Daenerys going to Dragonstone of all places. A place that is so close to King's Landing and has no resources.

    Stannis stayed there because he really had no other place to go, plus, he apparently had most of the armada so he wasn't in any danger.

    Daenerys must've known from Theon and Yara that Euron would try to build a huge fleet (he said so) so why go there?

    I know Jaime said that it made sense for her to go there because it had deep water ports and is her birthplace but:
    1. If it has deep water ports, why did Jon Snow have to row ashore? Shouldn't he have been able to bring his ship right to the shoreline? (I'm guessing that's what 'deep water port' means).
    2. This is the same Jaime Lannister who abandoned his own home castle of Casterly Rock because he learned the lesson of being where your enemies think you're not. So don't go there!
    3. Plus, all the traveling back and forth. Why have Ellaria go to Dragonstone, then back to Dorne to get her army and then back to King's Landing? Why not just land in Dorne and march to HighGarden to get your army there (and possibly fight off Randyll Tarly's rebellion) and then march to King's Landing? And only then maybe splinter your Unsullied off to capture Casterly Rock.

    And I agree with your summary line:

    "But good fantasy and science fiction is always marked by the ability to create ground rules and then stick to them."

    I always find it annoying when people say something like, "You're concerned about logic in a show that has dragons and magic?!"

    In which case, why not have spaceship appear out of nowhere?

  5. the only way i could make sense of Bran at the heart tree was that he wanted Sansa to fuck off so he could dive back into the wierwood net and he knew the most disturbing thing to say to make her awkward enough to leave without being openly hostile or threatening. but thats really just my rationalization hamster trying to make sense of it

  6. The thing I don't understand is, how Sam knows that Jon is Lyana and Rhaegar's son. The only info he got was the document stating Rhaegar and Lyana secretly married in Dorne. That's it and after that the war broke loose and I doubt there were any documents about Lyana's pregnancy. Even if there were such documents, they were not enough to prove to make Sam believed Jon was not Ned's bastard son.

    Secondly, it would be hard for me to believe that Bran was so openly revealed to Sam about Jon identity instead of his sisters. He only met Sam once, long time ago. It is like you reveal something to your brother's closest friend something about your brother, but you only met him once when he payed your taxi ride 4 years ago. At the same time you kept the secret about your brother from your sisters because…. they are your last living family that you have not seen for years… Make no sense to me.

  7. It seems like alot of these Youtube videos are a bit of an echo chamber. While there are a few things that don't make sense about Season 7 most of it does.

    Example, with control of the Vale, the loyalty of the North and the Riverlands simply from being of Stark blood, and the sudden death of all the Frey's clearing up the Twins for any army to march through there was nothing between Jon and the North and from Kingslanding.

    Even Cersei's comment about it taking them a month to get to the north was always misleading because Robert not only delayed his ride by simply being himself but it was a ride across the entire Kingdom not just to the north.

    And Stannis saying that they had Dragonglass doesn't mean it could ever be enough. Just because someone said they've had some doesn't mean they have enough to field an army. There was also no way to confirm it.

    Even the apart about Daenery's not knowing her own tongue is easy to understanding. There are motherfuckers today who don't know which to (to, too or two), to use in a sentence properly. Not to mention she'd likely only know as much Old Valyrian as the person who taught her and not magically know the entire language.

    If anything that part from season 3 was a hug ass pull since when suddenly got offended by the guy after heating his shit for the entire time she was there. I've been rewatching the series and if I recall correctly, the first thing he says to her is,

    "This white haired whore thinks she can flash her tits and get an army."

    So yhea, it's a bit weird to call out that scene with another odd scene.

  8. I liked season 7 (some areas felt a bit slow as it was more exposition for Season 8 and bits rushed), but I have admit I found this funny. Not going to write off D and D though. They made some excellent choices and brought to life some amazing (and favored) scenes that were either not in the book or were a blip and then fleshed out on the screen in previous seasons.

  9. People are really overstating how "watered down" Season 7 was. What it really comes down to are the separate world of film and novels.

    As most of us know, Martin came from a TV background but hated having to constantly think about budgetary and logistical issues. He started ASOIAF as a way to write something that's deliberately unfilmable, something with a billion characters, an impossibly complicated story, and a pitch-blsck tone.

    That was fine in 1996, but now he's accodently fell into his own trap: By not giving D&B new novels to work with, GoT's have to finish the story for him….with all the real-world comoromises you have to make when turning a deliberately unfilmable story into a TV show.

    In other words, yes, this season was flawed, but peoole are way too hard on it. They had very, very little time to wrap up a colossal story without losing sight of small, quiet, intimate character beats.

    It's a mammoth task, but so far these people have taken us from Ned Stark executing a deserter to the moment the Walkers breached the Wall and have done a great job. Yeah, they'll have to make the same compromises Martin wanted to put behind him, but honestly, that's just then being smart producers.

  10. In Sam's defense: The line is "But I didn't think-" Trail off. New sentence. "This is important!" All Stannis said was that they had it on Dragonstone. He did not say they they had a mountain of it there. You can say there's gold in Alaska. That doesn't mean there's a mountain of gold in Alaska.

  11. Um… "There is nothing between us a cersie" to sansa and 99%of the realm the wall is neigh impossible to cross as it's not just an incredibly high ice wall it's an ice wall with magic that holds back the others… How hard is that to understand.

  12. ahahaha great video. Lmao
    Give a break to Bran though. 😀 The poor kid was ref. to the ceremony. I know it sounds weird but although I was terrified for her I thought she was very beautiful in that scene too, with that dress in front of the weirwood tree.

  13. To be fair, in the Sam scene he isn't necessarily saying he didn't think it was important, there's an interruption after "didn't think", he could very well mean that he didn't think getting at the dragonglass was going to be possible, etc.

  14. Im more than sure they are aware of all the silly shit this season, in particular the time skips. But lets face it they dont care, the two head writers have had enough of lf this show, which is why they are rushing these last 2 seasons. Of course it doesn't help that the source material was exhausted a while back.

  15. I really like the quote from Loren Grush in the description. I believe it is the duty of everyone who criticizes the show lately and comes across that quote to share it wherever they can, since it so perfectly summarizes the biggest problem with the show right now (there are plenty, but this one is the main one). Show that quote especially to the people who always say "lOl n3rds are mad lmao" and "l0l you want logic in a show with dragons and zombies brah?"

    Seriously fuck those people. If you're a casual fan, that's fine. You never cared about characters or plot consistency, and I'm cool with that. Not everyone likes the same things. If you only watch for titties and blood it's whatever. But if you actually claim that the show is just as good as it was writing-wise, and that not much was lost writing-wise, you're probably on drugs and/or mentally ill. Seek help.

  16. Lol hilarious !!! But you interpreted two scenes the wrong way.
    (1) What Sam said to Gilly was "But I didn't think (he had a mountain of it)…It is important Jon needs to know" rather than "I didn't think it is important. Jon needs to know."

    (2) It is just a small section of Euron's ships who attack the Unsullied at Casterly Rock rather than Euron himself.

  17. How about Tyrion giving Theon a hard time for making dwarf jokes when Theon was actually nice enough to lend his whore Ros to Tyrion. Not to mention Tyrion was being an ultra dick to Theon at Winterfell.


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