We continue our Game of Thrones House Symbolism series with House Martell, the house that is arguably depicted most differently between the show and the books by George R.R. Martin.

Works Cited & Consulted:
* Martin, George R.R. “A Song of Ice and Fire.” Bantam Books.
* freeguess. “An Analysis of House Words.” /r/asoiaf on Reddit, 5 Jan. 2013.
* Empower Yourself with Color Psychology
* Color Wheel Pro
* Color Meanings
* “Sun Symbol and Symbolism.” Whats-your-sign.com.
* Dimurlo, Leah. “Sun Symbol Meanings.” SunSigns.org.
* “Symbols and their meaning : the Sun.” Jweel, 13 Oct 2015.
* “Celtic Symbols of the Tuatha De Danann.” Whats-your-sign.com.
* “SYMBOLISM OF SHAPES.” Sage and Stone LA.
* Malespin, Roger. “Game Of Thrones: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About House Martell.” 26 Aug. 2017.
* Militant_Penguin. “(Spoilers All) Character Discussion: House Martell.” /r/asoiaf on reddit. 9 Sep. 2014.

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  1. I disagree and I'm sorry but the CADUCEUS comes from Hermes and it represents commerce. The real symbol that links the snakes to medicine is the Rod of Asclepius. Its a common mistake, but a mistake none the less.

  2. Poor Elia martell what did she ever do to deserve such a horrible fate, first rheagar humiliated her in front of public and runaway with his lady new wife/love, and hold as a hostage by crazy king/father in law, then she and her kids gets brutally murdered by the mountain who was knighted by her husband, divorced and her kids casted aside and never be heirs, rheagar his such an asshole!

  3. I am looking forward to the spinoff of game of thrones. hopefully we see more of this house, if this is a prequel, I hope we see what happened before robert's rebellion. that way we can see elia and rhaegar get married.

  4. So now we only got a few left do we? Tully, Frey, Arryn….. Maybe Karstark or Umber, but I'm not sure if there's enough info about them. I wouldn't know any other houses that could be used….

  5. The Dorne storyline on GOT was a short-sighted, rushed, muddled mess. And no, I was not satisfied when that psycho Cersei got her “revenge.” I wish Cersei was the one who had died in that dungeon. 🙄

  6. I'm very impressed with the detailed and thorough analysis of the GoT houses in your channel, well produced videos with great additional infographics cut together with clips from the show and illustrations. I really dig the semiotic analysis of the symbols and colors a lot, going to subscribe and look forward to more great work from all of you in the future

  7. The show completely ruined the Martell stoyline. I get having to stray a bit but it wasn't even close. And it had so much potential with the source material and good actors playing the roles

  8. What if rheagar married to lyanna stark of winterfell and never wed elia?
    1, the dorne wouldn't be involved in anything because elia never wed rheagar.
    2, there would be no robert rebellion, no downfall of the dynasty.
    3, Dany's dragons eggs would never hatched.
    4, Brandon and Rickard would still alive, rickard southern ambition would still be active and his already got allied with vale, riverland.
    5, Ned would have joined a sellsword company in essos. Ned would be the new wandering wolf?
    6, rheagar now faces the mad king with lord rickard of the north support and with the vale and riverland.
    7, this would shortened the story and it would be boring, no Dany's dragons, no civil wars, no interesting varys secret targaryen restoration, no cersei rise of madness, no tywin's smartness, no dornish masterplan, no tyrion being smart and badass, Arya becoming a badass assassin, we get a peaceful boring westeros?

  9. my heart took FOREVER to heal from oberyn's death, omg. i still actually haven't watched his death because it's TOO MUCH (also wow thanks for inserting clips of it in the video, i had to cover my eyes). i wanted to care about the rest of house martell, but after oberyn and doran's death, it all felt so tacked on

  10. Your right! I have to admit I was with Cersei on this one. I felt girlfriend got what she deserved, it was short-sighted what she did… you have a daughter too, Cersei is not going to spare her… it was as stupid as boyfriend, he had that battle WON but he couldn't stop 'TALKING' long enough to pull a dagger and end The Mountain…JUST KILL HIM! In my opinion, HE HAD ACTUALLY WON! 'Pride goeth before destruction and a haunty spirit before a fall'!

  11. Ummm..short sighted hubris? That was only oberyn, not characteristic of the entire house. Had no sight of the long game? Look into Doran's character development through the Areo Hotah chapters as well as Arianne chapters. Do your research.

  12. You are wrong that martells are motivitated by small time goals. Doran martell has waited years so that he take his vengance. He is probably the least short sighted man in westeroes

  13. I think this isn't your best video at all. They do not have "a high tolerance" of homosexuality. They just don't mind BISEXUALITY. So yeah, there for erasure, as always. And the "short sighted" stuff, well… Jon Snow is pretty short-sighted still king in the north. Also, it wouldn''t matter how much time we had with dorne if it would be as badly written.

  14. Also the Martells are not wiped out even in the show. Oberyn mentions in Season 4 he has 8 daughters. The others are just not shown and by Dornish tolerance of bastards one of them is bound to get legitimized in course of events.

  15. They are my favourite house in the books. How they were portrayed in show is not Dornish at all. Dorne is a formidable power. I will never forgive DnD for this. I hope when they make the prequels they have a story on Nymeria's wars so we can have an actual well developed story around Dorne.


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