We continue our series on the deeper meaning of the Game of Thrones house symbols with a look at the Tyrells. Buy or rent the series on Amazon:

Works Cited & Consulted:
* Martin, George R.R. “A Song of Ice and Fire.” Bantam Books.
* freeguess. “An Analysis of House Words.” /r/asoiaf on Reddit, 5 Jan. 2013.
* Empower Yourself with Color Psychology
* Color Wheel Pro
* Color Meanings
* Venefica, Avia. “Rose Meaning and Rose Symbolism.” Whats-your-sign.com.
* “The Rose Flower: Its Meanings and Symbolism.” Flower Meaning.
* “Symbolism of the Rose.” International Alchemy Guild.

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  1. Tyrells are so much better than Lannisters. They might be power hungry and manipulative and do good for their own reputation but they do good nevertheless and are still kind at heart and not bloodthirsty like the Lannisters.

  2. I smell feminism in GOT since Tyrells, Martells, Targaryeans, Lannisters and starks are all lead by women now. Note : Cersi is queen and Sansa is lady of winterfell. Anyway Tyrells, Martells got their roots chopped off just like that. We all know Cersi going to die a horrible death. Only question mark is about Danereys and Sansa . (I will be happy if Sansa dies)


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