cool fight between Syrio Forel and some lannister guards.



  1. Okay so why did he not pick up a real sword? The scene ends with him holding an unusable piece of wood so it's pretty obvious that he grabbed a real sword and did some serious damage before dying. I'd say maybe he escaped but after all that the man would never run. Those men get to their feet and he's screwed. By the way, that must have been Valerian wood because holy crap was it tough. With a real sword it's hard to believe anyone could beat him.

  2. Last second you can hear a metal sword falling, and multiple men screaming while a battle goes on. If Syrio was killed, it would be one scream and no battle. Syrio is alive IMO, or he's the faceless man.

  3. If we don't see him tomorrow, he is dead. That's probably the last episode in Bravos and Arya is letting go of Bravos for good. She keeps her identity.
    Strong evidence even here in this clip, that Syrio is alive is: Non of the screams is his and you can clearly hear clashing swords… Well he didn't have a steel sword, so he actually got one from the other knights… or they fight each other… which one seems more likely? xD

  4. So… will we be seeing Syrio in this weeks episode? 😀 i hope so! i mean he's from Braavos, he's the Sealord's first sword of Braavos, why wouldn't he of ran back to Braavos after the Lanisters came after him? it's the only place safer for anyone since people are afraid of the faceless men, except for the fact the faceless men will kill anyone they get asked to kill but they are safe from the rest of Westros, i think we will be seeing him 🙂 i miss Syrio he's awesome, i wouldn't mind being trained by him if he was real.


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