Home News Game Of Thrones tattoo introduces Jon Snow’s secret brother ‘Jon Sand’

Game Of Thrones tattoo introduces Jon Snow’s secret brother ‘Jon Sand’


Hey Jon, go get some sun (Picture: HBO)

‘Winter is coming’, intones nearly every Game Of Thrones character every episode.

So it’s no wonder that one fan of the show decided it was time to add some optimism to the fandom by getting a tattoo of Jon Snow (Jon Sand?) in a Hawaiian shirt, cocktail in hand and with the phrase ‘summer is coming’ scrolled below.

Although we’re not sure if it was thought through all that well as he’s either going to have to keep shaving his leg regularly or that laidback Jon Snow is going to start looking more and more like a Wookie.

And a cocktail! (Picture: Reddit/ u/Pcriz)

And it didn’t go down too well with internet commentators (but what does?) with many asking if this would even be cool in ten years, and another suggesting ‘its..not cool now’.


‘Somethings you should just get printed on a tshirt and not permanently inked on your body (sic),’ another added while one redditor suggested that at least this Jon ‘should have an easier time defeating the white walkers in that summer heat’.


Game Of Thrones is currently off air but will return to screens in early 2019 for the eighth – and final – season when we will find out who will be the last one standing.

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