Cereal video for a change.

Game of Thrones is back with an another episode again, named Sons of Winter. As I did with the previous one I made a video about all of the choices which will have an impact in the forthcoming episode 5, A Nest of Vipers.
I deliberately neglected the Finn, Cotter afthermath scenes because they are basically the same whether you bring Finn with you or not.

Did you bring Finn along to the north?

Brought Finn – 00:00
Didn’t bring Finn – 02:16

How did you handle Gryff?

Maimed Gryff( + Knocking Gryff out) – 04.37
Showed mercy to Gryff – 09:02

Did you reveal Sera’s secret to Lord Tarwick?

Kept the secret – 13:49
Revealed the secret – 10:50

Where were the Glenmore soldiers ordered to be?

Stayed to protect Ironrath (+ Chose Duncan) – 15:28
Brought along to Highpoint (+ Chose Ser Royland – 20:29

What happened to Beskha’s former master?

Beskha killed him (held croft back) – 27:25
Asher killed him – 28:10
Spared him (stopped Beshka) – 25:56

support me with a sub:

The plot:

The fate of the scattered Forresters hangs in the balance, and no one allied with the family is safe. An unexpected meeting offers Rodrik a new opportunity to free Ironrath from its Whitehill stranglehold, but with young Ryon Forrester still held prisoner, his next moves are critical. Gared must abandon Castle Black and venture beyond the Wall in search of the mysterious North Grove, risking encounters with Wildlings and worse. In King’s Landing, the population is reeling from a recent royal death, and Mira must step carefully in an increasingly complex game of politics where secrets are traded as currency. Far away in Essos, Asher infiltrates the slave city of Meereen at the behest of Daenerys Targaryen, but will the friendship he holds dear break under the strain of a mission that raises memories best forgotten?

Episode 5 Trailer – A Nest of Vipers:

source: game of thrones wiki



  1. I accepted Lord Whitehills deal, beat the mess outta Gryff, kept Sera's secret, brought Finn along, and allowed Beshka to kill her master. He made her kill kids, and I have friends that are young kids who look up to me, and if anyone hurt or killed them, well, y'know lol

  2. I know its gonna be hard, but can you make a season 6 video? (also can we see what happens if yuo tell lord tarwick dat sera is a bastard, then take the blame for her with margery at the start of episode 6) I waits man!

  3. In the beginning of the episode when gared has to hide and crawl under the carriage, i keep getting shot and die over and over again. I dont know if its just my computer… but what exactly am i supposed to do? This is really annoying.

  4. Did anyone else have an issue with episode 5 that when you see Gryff he doesn't look beaten up at all? I know it's on the right save file because near the end they kind of give you a recap of some of the choices you made in the other episodes and they were all correct.


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