It was the year of big deaths, massive battles, and huge changes. Here are the best scenes from Season 4 of Game of Thrones.



  1. People, people. A lot for you call yourselves fans but you can't even spell their names correctly. It's not "Geoffrey", it's "Joffrey". It's not "Sersee" it's "Cersei". It's not "Jamie", it's "Jaime". It's not "Melonsander", it's "Melisandre".


  2. Let me know if I got any of this wrong:

    Robert Baratheon = George W. Bush
    The Red Woman = Oprah Winfrey
    Mance Rayder (leader of the Wildlings) = Ron Paul
    Stannis Baratheon = John Kerry
    Tywin Lannister = John Boehner
    Tyrion Lannister = Bill Clinton

    matches are made by character, not blood relation or life story

  3. The Mention from Melisandre the Red Witch to Stannis To go north was merely one line of dialogue, And them showing up with such force and precision and purpose up north was Huge, Then to completely render 100,000 Wildlings useless with giants and further? Was pretty Huge.  How About Ygritte dieing in Jon Snow's hands?


    It turns out that Jon is the son of Tywin Baelish and Lyanna Baratheon, brother of Robert Baratheon. You see, Tywin was so uncomfortable with his kids cause they were adopted incestuous Targaryens that nobody wanted. Except Tyrion, he picked up the funny dwarf from Lady Olenna's after she fucked her husband with her poisonous vag. Yes address him as Tyrion Tyrell now. Now the secret plan was for Tywin to become Lannister in order to acquire the master 15 mana cost ability iShitGold so he could purchase enough french ballista men to renact the War Of 1812, taking control of the Illuminati in one fell swoop. This is where Jon Baelish comes into play. He will ascend the Game of Thrones and assume the identity of Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Messiah.

  5. So not even the bit where 5000 knights come out of nowhere and completely surprise all you retards who weren't paying attention earlier?! Mances army getting completely fucked?! Are you that stupid Ign?!?!

  6. Top 11 Good: Purple Wedding in general, Dany takes Mereen, Oberyn's introduction, Tyrion's trial, Oberyn vs Gregor Clegane, Battle of Castle Black, Brienne vs Hound/Arya leaves Hound, Stannis overwhelmes Mance Rayder's Army, Tyrion kills Shae and Tywin, Jorah is exiled, Arya sails to Braavos. Top 11 Bad (if possible): Jaime rapes Cersei (I think this was just a script error), Yara's embarrasing attack on the Dreadfort, no Tysha (I know it wouldn't work very well on screen, but I would have like a mention), No Lady Stoneheart (come on HBO, how hard would it have been to have her for 2 minutes killing Merret Frey?), No Coldhands (they did a good job replacing him, but if he is who most book readers think he is, he should have been included), Jon's promotion postponed, erm… I don't think I can think of anymore without deliberately being too nitpicky. Still love the show and the books.    

  7. I think the show lost a considerable amount of quality, specially for the viewers who already read the book.
    The strong suits of the series remains, like the Lannisters entire cast for example. But the lack of commitment with the high fantasy part of the story is more noticeable than ever.

    The best part (geographically) of this series are the northern lands beyond The Wall. This is debatable, but you cant deny how mysterious and cool this segment of Westeros is. And the show just dont use this lore at it full potential because of money issues. Could you believe in that? This series as a whole generated more money than the recent Hobbits movies, theres no excuse to exclude awesome characters like Coldhands and Lady Stone Heart!

    And this is the point: The special effects are worse than ever. This is something that every viewer perceived. Giants, mammoths and dragons that appears to be made ​​of some sort of "clay"… You think if they want to "save" money, why they are making this series at first place? We have those mystical creatures already cited and plus ice-zombies, talking gates, talking trees, "childrens" of the forest, giant direwolfs, etc.. If HBO dont have money to do this, so leave the fucking series alone! They need to do a better treatment in this department, no question. This is a total different animal compared to The Hobbit series, GoT is better suited for heavy special effects, the extension of the multiple plots is much larger in the books, the series is using a dirty kind of makeup.

  8. The more you say no spoilers… The more people want to spoil it. IN is the worst for that. This chick and Tim deserve each other. Both can't host or present anything and just come across as fake and desperate.


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