{{{{{“EURON” Greyjoy will blow the horn not “Baelon”.. Technical Mistake}}}}}}

If you don’t want to watch the entire video you can simply skip to the parts you prefer to see:
– Iron Bank’s Conspiracy Theory: 1:30
– The Bank’s Big Plan for Westeros: 6:12
– Season 7 & 8 Predictions: 7:41
– “AGENT OF CHAOS” Theory: 10:51
– The Show’s 3 possible endings: 11:41
– The Fate of the Main Characters (most likely ending): 12:42

** Terribly sorry for the speed of the text at some points.. I’ve added a few “Pause” titles so you could pause and read it quickly before continuing..
** I also apologize for the numerous spelling mistakes.. some words just slipped through my spelling check 😛

*** In the video I’ve mentioned The Iron Bank sending one of their faceless men to tame any dragon who survives.. well I was referring to securing back the Dragonbinder and blowing the horn (the horn kills anyone who blows it).. since they are “no one” they don’t technically die if any of them blows the horn.. and they are one entity (no one) so the dragon would obey whoever blows the horn even if he is killed.. since the other faceless men share the same identity..

*** I will be releasing detailed explanation videos and proof of certain events if requested.. If you are not convinced by something or feel it is absurd then feel free to drop a comment and mention it.. I will assume people have rough knowledge of the History and Information beyond the show.. if you don’t understand a certain point I will be more than happy to explain it.

This theory explains the conspiracy behind the war of the 5 kings, and what would be the fate of the seven kingdoms in the future..
This is a political prediction video.. all conclusions are based on the political vision I have reached after interpreting the major events happening in the series..
I also mentioned what I personally expect to happen next season..


Music: Game of Thrones Remix – Main Theme Epic Orchestra Remix:

Music (extended version):


* Special thanks to Ertaç Altınöz for the badass image at 14:02

** I don’t own Copyrights for the images I have featured in this video, no copyright infringement is intended, this is a none-profit video made for Fair Use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.



  1. hey! This might look like speculation to many. But, I must say, that you're a keen observant of history. You have beautifully incorporated the geopolitical History- world wars, strategy n rise of USA into global power, World Bank, UN movements of resistance etc. Good job!

  2. I think the winte walkers have a little more complex motives based around self preservation and explaining to just serve a plot just like all of the characters so far. Having just a single minded goal like this sounds really dumb honestly.

  3. YING-YANG its all there is.There is no winner without a loser,no darkness without light ..so this fire and ice circle will spin on and on forever if there is going to be any ice or fire

  4. where did you go? I seen this video months back and wow. Tried to show others and made to look like a crazy person bcos it disappeared. Anyway I've just got my fix thanks and outstanding video.

  5. I totally agree that the Iron Bank is a major player, one that has been largely ignored in the show, and I can see Littlefinger being their agent. But I also see Littlefinger betraying the Bank.
    The NightKing is an enigma, I can't see the Children "loosing control" of their weapon so easily, there's something we are missing there, or something not yet shown.
    How will it end? Badly for most.

  6. **Queen Daenerys does not encourage fascism or slavery of any kind, what ever statements are made with the mention of House name, does not reflect on that of her House, but reflects the opinion of that sole individual.**


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