Game of Thrones – The Birth of White Walker / Night’s King



  1. I think bran has ability to go past and say loudly to children of forest dont do it like he said "DAD" to young ned in tower of joy..Ned hear bran sound…..That is the most untrouble way to distroy night king..Without he born he will vanish in present.

  2. I think what happened here was that the Children of the Forest were desperate and losing a war they couldn't win against the Andals. The First Men if you will. So they kidnapped one of the first commanders of The Night's Watch and tried to make him one of them as a leader against the Andals. Who were burning forests to give them less abilities.

    It backfired. Badly. Instead of becoming one of them, he gained the abilities of them and became undead. And after numerous battles the Children of the Forest and the Andals of the North decided to build the Wall. And to help make it stronger, the Children of the Forest casted their spells on it so no undead could walk through it.

  3. Okay, so can anyone be turned into that with a poke from some dragon glass? And wtf happened immediately after?? The first men fought them, so obviously the night king did choose to fight against the first men, then did he just go off into the land of always winter after being defeated?? What in the actual fuck I swear to god im either missing something or there's something wrong with the story. Creation of night king. Whites fight first men. Azor ahai defeats them, or sends them back to land of always winter. Why does he have such a boner for the three eyed raven and why is the three eyed raven beyond the wall instead of south of it whilst he can still warg into times and be safe from the night king? And how the fuck did bran get touched and the mark stayed on him even though he was in a vision and not actually touched? Can bran die in visions? I'm so god damn confused I just don't get it no matter how long I sit and think

  4. I want to know what the hell she used/pushed into his chest and where did that rock-weapon-mineral originate from? And are there more that have the reverse effect of killing the Night King and all walkers?

  5. I feel I'm not intimidated by the Night King anymore after I watched this scene… kinda disappointed that he was a coward before he turned into a white walker….the plot writing of the show kinda sucks….

  6. What if that man isn't a Walker, hes the Night King, like George said Azor ahai went north to find the children and use their magic to stop them, theoretically they weren't suppose to come back until bran turned into the Night King and lost controll, and so therefor thats why they're marching South, Theoretically speaking you cant kill the Night king with Valyrian Steel, or Dragonglass, and if Bran trully is the Night, then you'll have to kill Bran which will kill and destroy the White Walkers, forever

  7. So correct me if I'm wrong but wernt they at peace with the first men when they made the walkers? Or did they make them as a deterrent, made peace and then the white walkers broke free and attacked everyone

  8. Jeez, do they really want to make ms believe that in that old age a man that is captured by tree-fuckers can be so vaxed and hairless on his chest? Come the fuck on. They live in cold areas, his whole chest would at the very least have some hair.


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