Game of Thrones : The Death of Daenerys Targaryen

Hello Throners it’s Kyle Fookin Chickens and this is going to be A Song of Ice and Fire Game of Thrones Theory Video on Azor Ahai, Nissa Nissa and why I believe Jon Snow and Daenerys will fill these roles respectively!

So this Video is going to be a little bit different as we take a look at the TRUE meaning of the words Nissa Nissa and Azor Ahai AS well as the Stories within our own human history that influenced George when writing the Song of Ice and Fire!

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Amazing End Screen Art Done by Ertac Altinoz – Go check him out here –

Music done by Callum McGaw :

Intro Music done by : Trey J. Anderson which covers Ramin Djawadi’s Light of the Seven in EPIC Fashion.

Channel Art Done by Blaze Manga. You can check their YouTube Channel out here :

Information for this video is sourced from the ASoIaF novels, HBO’s Game of Thrones, The Lands of Ice and Fire, The World of Ice and Fire, A Wiki of Ice and Fire et al.



  1. nissa in arabic means female… seems like the language has more common similarities like when khaleesi says the word Ana… which means I or me… and is also used as i or me judging from the context she says it in multiple times…

  2. The sacrifice will be that of Jon and Danys child to the night king in order to ensure peace and balance to the world. Dany will die in childbirth and after great losses on the battlefield Sam will tell of the pact once made at the end of the first war between the night king and men who agreed to give children to them to maintain peace. By giving his own child and possibly himself he will show his willingness to sacrifice for all of the people of the seven kingdoms. And peace will be restored. Thats my theory anyway, for what it's worth. LOL!

  3. After watching the Eastwatch episode, I think this may very well be the bittersweet ending.

    Daeny is eerily curious about what Davos stated, that Jon took a knife through the heart to save his people. Daeny even asked Jon himself.

    It is as if Daeny is really considering such an act (happening to herself), to save the realm. It is as if she is really drawn to it.



  4. There is absolutely no way there will be a literal sword shoved in dany's heart to bring about a flaming sword. Jon is the flaming sword of azor ahai. His mother was nissa nissa to rhaegar. Rheagars trial of forging lightbringer was his quest to fulfill the azor ahai prophesy. He first thought he was azor ahai and he eventually died and his armed busted rubies into ruby ford after being slain by Robert. Azor's first sword was tempered in water and shattered. Rhaegar then thought that Aegon was azor. Aegon was slain by Lannisters. Azor's second attempt was to temper the sword in the heart of a lion and it shattered. Finally, Rhaegar knew what to do so he called for his nissa nissa, Lyanna. They eloped and tempered his sword into the heart of lyanna bringing about lightbringer aka jon. This is why Rhaegar ran off with Lyanna even though he knew it was likely to cause a civil war.

    Dany is a red herring and has no prophetic significance. The only significance she has is that she brought about the dragons. There is nothing intrinsically special about Dany. Dany has been hyped up and hypes herself up as something special throughout the entire story but she isn't special. Her toys are special i.e. her dragons but not her. Jon was brought up thinking he was not special but he definitely is. This is the symmetry.

    It's captured perfectly when Davos responds after Dany's string of ridiculous titles are rattled off "This is Jon Snow he's king of the north." Dany is not intrinsically special but propped up as if she were. Jon is intrinsically special but shoved down as if he isn't.

    The only sensible way for the story to go is for Jon to be lifted up after people recognize his intrinsic worth and for Dany to be shoved down after people recognize the facade.

    There are two ways for Dany's arch to turn out. She either becomes a bad person and impedes Jon's noble quest or she realizes she is not entitled to anything and is not as special as she thinks she is and aids Jon in his journey without impediment.

    Most likely Dany will sit on the iron throne but it will be worthless because the seven kingdoms will be independent. It is cosmic irony for Dany to finally sit on the iron throne only to rule over basically just king's landing and dragonstone and not the seven kingdoms. It would be a reflection of fact that all the entitlement she felt throughout was the actual farce that it is.

    It is very possible that Dany and Jon will marry unfortunately. I think that is such a cliche ending and supposedly George RR Martin tries to avoid that but I actually think that is a load of shit. George RR Martin embraces cliches and likely Dany and Jon will marry. The other kingdoms won't bow to Dany because she will still be seen as a foreign invader.

    Dany and Jon will marry and Jon will be the one to unite the kingdoms under his and Dany's rule. The ONLY way Dany will rule the seven kingdoms is by marrying Jon. If Dany ends up ruling the seven kingdoms without marrying Jon that will make no fucking sense at all and I will denounce George RR Martin as a hack that delivers nothing but fan service.

    So much for what is going to happen with respect to the geopolitics. Now onto how Jon is going to beat back the walkers.

    The Lord of light isn't really doing anything. The Great Other is the three eyed raven aka the last greenseer and protector of the children of the forest. The three eyed raven is a kind of force that is passed between different beings. Right now it goes from Bloodraven to Bran. So basically it will turn out that Bran, by virtue of being the three eyed raven, is what originally brought about the white walkers as a weapon for the children of the forest to fight against the first men. The white walkers were a weapon that the great other lost control over. The white walkers realize their purpose and know that when their purpose is accomplished they will be destroyed or neutered and they do not desire that. Thus, the white walkers purpose now is to destroy the great other aka the three eyed raven aka the last greenseer so that they be content that they will continue to exist.

    The wall was not built by he white walkers as some people believe. The wall was built by the greenseers to separate men and white walkers. Basically, the greenseers are now doing damage control using men as weapons. The great other is basically posing as the lord of light in order to manipulate men to help destroy the white walkers.

    The complication this time is that the night king is going to get his hands on one of Dany's dragons which he will use to destroy the wall and the magic that keeps them out.

    Most likely what is going to happen is that Jon and others are going to help push back the white walkers again and the wall will go back up.

    So in summary: Dany and Jon will marry and rule the seven kingdoms after pushing back the white walkers. The great other aka Bran will rebuild the wall for the cycle to happen all over again (bran the builder, it's a cycle).

    This makes sense coming from George RR Martin who is very much against war and the perpetuity of it. Also probably against weapons of mass destruction like dragons or white walkers. So, naturally Dany loses a dragon to the white walkers and the white walkers are themselves a weapon that went independent and turned on its creators. The moral of the story is that war sucks and it is a violent cycle of destruction. It is bittersweet because Dany and Jon will rule for a bit of peace but the destructive cycle will never end. Thanks a lot BRAN!

  5. Well first of all I think that the women will win at the game of thrones (one way or another). I think there is a big chance for Daenerys to die, but that's probably because of the ice dragon and a huge desire to kill the night king (she is very passionate, a dragon). I also think that there will be no lords left like she said (half of noble familes are already dead), she will break the wheel. Also I am wondering whether there is a chance for a child from Jon who will rule Westeros with the help of Tyrion while Jon and Daenerys will die

  6. Thank you soooo mutch.
    I try to make everyone of my friends here in Germany clear what I think. Just the jon Azor Ahai is and Dany in the case like Nissa Nissa. It will sacrifice itself to create lightbringer. It will be your soul which will save your people. Both were prepared! George promises a bitter sweet end. Many say yes drogon is sacrificed he is Lichtbringer .. Hmmm would be caber for me less epic and catastrophic to equal like george r.r. martin. I love Daenny. But she will die.

  7. Sansa is nissa nissa….her name's words could change to nassa….its sounds like nissa too….Sansa has the most appropriate heart for the Lightbringer…….kindhearted and innocent still……If Jon kills Danny he will be easily loose…because the dragons will be hate him and will be go with the NK and also could kill him….If he kills Sansa [nassa=nissa]he will be win…and that will be fit as bittersweet ending well….because Sansas boring story and life will be have a great ending and she will be have a merciful and peaceful death by Jons hands…in order he and Danny to saving the world….

  8. This video was completely awesome. I love all the research u did. It's bcuz of GRRM's fascination with world history and the way he incorporates it into his stories that I got sucked into this WOIAF. He is brilliant. What a gift for storytelling he has.


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