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  1. I think Tyrion deserves to be thrown in jail for some long time. It's obvious that he wants to prove his family wrong(obtain their approval forcefully) and obviously he doesn't want Jaime to get hurt or die; that's why he is ruining every tactical and strategic move Daenerys would have made. I think I am starting to HATE TYRION. And even Jon is stupid like "If you use them to burn cities you are not different". The dragon doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a half wolf (stupid wolf as Ygritte sugested). Every war is about killing enemies.

  2. After rewatching this scene… what if Euron's statement before leaving was actually true? What if he did feel genuine fear of the wights and was glad to sail off to Essos per the plan with Cersei? after all, it takes time to sail by wind or rowers across the Narrow Sea.

  3. Great scene, but what the fuck is The Mountain doing? He is supposed to be a fearless bodyguard, yet he almost let the creature get into the queens face. He should've stepped infront, he has armour and she doesnt.

    I guess he is sort of a zombie as well, so he was contemplating to join the army of the dead?


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