Big thanks to my one and only patron: Zac Ingmire!

❒ Some of the bits I made worked, some didn’t, this is a compilation of the ones that worked.

❒ The Idiocies of Season 7
Season 7 is based on A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction, created by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss (HBO). Martin the author of the ASOIAF book series is opposed to fanfiction, he considers it copyright infringement. HBO gets around this by paying him large dump trucks full of money he says. Martin concludes: So, if you would like to arrive in front of my house with a large dump truck full of money, I may consider allowing you to do some fan fiction.

❒How you can support my channel:

❒Tell me why I am wrong on Twitter:

7 “The Dragon and the Wolf” Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss (D&D)
6 “Beyond the Wall” Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss (D&D)
5 “Eastwatch”
4 “The Spoils of War”
3 “The Queen’s Justice”
2 “Stormborn”
1 “Dragonstone”

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❒ A Song of Ice and Fire
Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons, Winds of Winter, Dream of Spring.

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  1. That Flash sequence, that Godzilla rip-off, that Bran9000 Presterosi-style omage, that X-Men fragment, that Ghostbusters bit… all good, all great, but then I saw Stannis… and I almost cried! ;-(

  2. I still enjoyed it as well as a majority of the fans even if it was the worse season it was still great television. I'd rather be happy with what they give, enjoy what's on my screen than bitch about little mistakes and complain about writing quality that isn't even that bad

  3. Castles are built so that even a small garrison could repel invading armies, or at least hold It for a time, Highgarden is strong fortress, and is defended by large garrison thousands of Tyrell men, yet It has been taken in a very short span of time without even sustaining real damage?? D&D's justification was that The tyrells are not strong fighters, I mean really? okay let's assume that the tyrells are not as strong as tarlys or northmen … they are still soldiers, they still know how to and can fight, and the difference in strength would be more manifested in a open field battle, not if they were behind highwalls …
    Also Highgarden is in the middle of the reach, if there was an army approaching they would know, and therefore send a raven for Daenerys and hold the castle until help comes!!
    I mean It's a fucking scandal! I don't know why not enough people talk about It even though It is major event that influenced the rest of the plot

  4. >takes weeks to siege Riverrun that is taken by The Blackfish and something like "20 good men"
    >literally takes Highgarden (a giant fortress of one of the most rich and well-supplied families of the kingdom who could easily endure a siege for months) in maybe a day (or 2 seconds on the episode), they didn't even bothered to tell


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