I love the show, I am just poking fun at the terrible writing this season, which is objectively bad. So, calm yourself please.

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In this episode of Dragon Ball Z:

The Night’s King or Night King or The Great Other? Catches Viserion. Davos has finally started taking antidepressants, and women still have no rights in Westeros. Oddly people still think that Lyanna going freely with Rhaegar Targaryen is any different from him taking her by force. Women are mere objects in Westeros, kinda of an important theme in the series.

Littlefinger goes into a pseudo-intellectual rant after his lobotomy, which amounts to white noise. And Jorah get’s send away for the 4th time now, oh how exciting.

I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Teach pokémon to understand
The power that’s inside
Pokémon! Gotta catch ’em all!

§ References
❒ Music: New Radicals – You Get What You Give
❒ Episodes:
S07E06 Beyond the Wall
S07E07 The Dragon and the Wolf
S07E02 The Queen’s Justice
S07E05 Eastwatch
S04E08 The Mountain and the Viper
S06E06 The Door
S01E01 Winter Is Coming
S01E04 Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things
❒ Thumbnail: The Order of the Greenhand



  1. I admit I got into game of thrones in order to understand the memes of it my friends shared. But this last season has plot holes that aggressively punch you in the face. My english teacher would fail me for stuff like this.

  2. Petyr's advice to Sansa wasn't nonsense. He was trying to tell her how to not let anything ever surprise her – patterns repeat, and she should focus on her own agenda, whatever that may be, and manipulate these obvious outcomes to her own advantage. You just need to actually think about what he's saying to understand it.

    I have no clue what your other issues are, it feels like you're just looking for an excuse to complain now. Women's rights? Why is that a point of contention? What does Lyanna willingly going with Rhaegar have to do with this? The "lie" that Bran talked about was the rumor that she was kidnapped and raped. Of course the war still happened, because of family and alliances and houses and shit, and Lyanna is still an "object," but the context changes completely in the personal story because it revealed that Jon is a legitimate heir.

  3. I'm willing to forgive a lot of season 7, but Littlefinger was just the worst. That monologue about fighting every battle in your mind was surely written by a toaster, sandwich press or other kitchen appliance.

  4. Hey. I know, seeing a creepy old dude going after a young hottie is gross. But you're going to feel blind for not realizing the truth.

    Why did Jeor Mormont take the black? No one knows. Who's Jorah's mom? Well, no one knows. All we know is, Jeor did something Ned would have killed him for (otherwise he wouldn't have gone to the wall). What do we know about Jorah? Is dad picked his bride and she miscarried several times before dying. Then he remarried to a Hightower. Then one of the most honourable people the North has to offer needed a few bucks so he did something that would get him killed by Ned and buggered off.

    Tinfoil: Jeor banged a Stark. The books and the show have been hiding the why was he at the wall forever (that's how we know it's important). Jorah may or may not know it, but he's a secret Stark (warg DNA). Jorah married a Hightower (dragon DNA). Then they had to run away. But not, they were at starfall or Hightower.

    Back up north, we had a cool tourny at Harrenhall, where amongst other things, some silly dragon prince fell in love with Lyanna, and shy Ned Stark danced with Ashara Dayne. Either Ned or Brandon banged Ashara that night. Few months later all hell breaks loose. The usurper!

    Well you know how the kings landing part went. But what happened at the tower of joy? Well, on the show Ned killed the best knight alive in his day. Picked up his sister's little boy and went to Starfall to give them their sword. When he got there he found a sad Ashara who had lost her baby. BUT, he also found Jorah and his wife who died giving birth to Deanerys. They got on a ship and went to Dragonstone. While they were at dragon stone Vyseris was in his room crying because his mom was having a difficult birth. Mom and baby both died. Ashara told his that Deanerys was his new baby sister, and that she would be her wet nurse.

    They crossed the sea to Tyrosh and the rest you know. Jorah is her dad, those sad looks are a father that can t tell her who he is. And quathie is Ashara.

    Why did Ned fight so hard to keep Robert from killing Dany? Dany is a secret Stark and Jon is a secret Targarian. And yes, Jorah has been spying but that's because Verys is helping him. When Salmy was fired by Cersei he sent him to Dany. Unfortunately no one told Salmy so he snitched on Jorah and screwed shit up.

    Having trouble buying that? Well, how about this.
    "What did your second wife look like ser Jorah?"
    "Well, she looked like you."


    So ya, it's funny right now because you think he's a creep. But when the show reveals it, you'll feel a bit silly for not seeing it from the beginning.

  5. Hahahaha, even Rick Sanchez thinks the "fight every battle in your mind" speech was retarded. Probably the one character in current media who comes closest to managing to actually do that, and even he doesn't buy Littlefinger's shit.


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