In the Game of Thrones season 7 second trailer Sansa says, “The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.” We talk about what this means for the Starks in GoTS7.
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The Game of Thrones Season 7 winter is here trailer threw out an old Ned Stark quote delivered by his eldest daughter Sansa Stark. She says, “When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.” Some people are speculating that this means a Stark family death will happen in Season 7. We look at the phrase’s origin in the first book of George RR Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire – A Game of Thrones, and the context of when it comes up in later books.
Is Arya the lone wolf? She has been, but she’s on her way back home to Winterfell. Is Jon Snow the bastard Stark child the lone wolf? He’s always been on the outside of the true born Stark children, but now he is recognized by the northern families as the King in the North. Watch our Game of Thrones Season 7 theory video about what we think the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives means. Tell us in the comments if you agree, or if you think one of the remaining Starks might die.
Let us know what you are hoping to see in Game of Thrones season 7 when it’s released June 16th of 2017 on HBO and HBO Spain. Tell us which GoT characters you want more scenes with, and which cast members you hope get what’s coming to them when winter arrives.
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Game of Thrones Theory Videos:
Are the gods real –
Gods part 2 –
Arthur Dayne –
The Isle of Faces –
Howland Reed –
Bran’s Purpose –
Tourney History & Lore –
Bran & Three Eyed Raven –

Game of Thrones Season 7 Spoiler Videos:
Spoilers Recap 2 –
Spoilers Recap 1 –
Final report 2016 –
King’s Landing –
Ambush Scenes –
Dragonfire scene leak –
Mega Battle –
Casterly Rock & Highgarden –
New Throne –
Huge GoT Cast scene –
Filming Weekly Spoiler Report –
Mega Spoilers Pt. 2 –
Mega Spoilers –
Northern Spoilers –

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  1. I just saw this video for the first time today. The most recent was episode 4. I really think the voice over is referring to Bran.
    Sansa is walking away from Bran in the trailer, and in episode 4 we just heard Meera say to Bran, "you died in that cave."
    "Bran" is essentially "dead" now that he's become the 3 eyed raven, and ultimately because of his abilities, the pack will survive.

  2. I totally agree with you! I don't think Sansa will betray Jon and if anything the quote is being said to Littlefinger as she masterfully outmaneuvers him in the 'game of thrones'. I can't wait how she will accomplish this, people are underestimating how strong Sansa-fierce is and how much she's learned from Littlefinger, Cersei, etc.

  3. I think Sansa will finally understand Arya and have a honest admiration for her. Arya will still think that Sansa is stupid but than Sansa makes a wise move and Arya starts to admire Sansa too.

  4. Pretty much spot on. The Lone Wolf is basically Ned Stark (and to a lesser extent Cat and Robb). They've died, and the kids are coming back together and they need to stick together in order to survive. Nothing more. A lot of people seem to read way too much into things. Far more ridiculous than it meaning one of remaining Starks will die is Emergency Awesome's theory that the Lone Wolf is Littlefinger(!). What? That is stupid on so many levels. I've finally stopped watching his videos now. He's so off-point so often it's not even funny.

    And yeah I'd wager that it's a trailer only quote as well. It's what I thought anyway because it doesn't sound like it's directed at anyone, but simply a trailer voice-over. It's got that studio sound to it.

  5. I have a theory that I hope is wrong
    At the first episode of the show. When the starks found the dead direwolves and the little direwolves. one of them (probably robb) asked that it might be a lion but Ned told him that there is no mountain lions there. and it was a stag in fact. which could refer to how Ned stark died. He was killed by a Baratheon who is actually a Lannister. it looks like the direwolf died while protecting it's children. similar to what happened to Ned. if we looked to the fate of each direwolve.
    Nymeria (Arya's direwolf) was lost, the same happened to Arya.
    Grey wind died with Robb in the red wedding
    Shaggydog was killed by the Boltons, Rickon followed the same fate.
    which seems like the direwolves represented the stoy of each stark.
    If that was right then Bran,Sansa and John may follow the same fate of their direwolves
    Bran's wolf summer was killed by the wights.
    Sansa's direwolf Lady was executed by Ned. unless he freed the wolf instead of killing her.
    Ghost is okay right now so John is okay until now.

    I wish that this is wrong

  6. if sansa is so stupid (as she has been thru all the series and SHES FREAKIN UNBEARABLE IN THE BOOKS-DUMB AS A BOX OF ROCKS, VAIN, SELFISH, SHALLOW, SHALLOW) but if shes so dumb to side with littlefinger- after he GAVE/SOLD her to ramsay and she suffered all that- against jon who savagely beat ramsay partly for her, ugh, then she deserves a horrible death. idk how she can be near him. and he kissed her. ew. and hes selfish and evil-SHE KNOWS THIS!

  7. I think it's about now that they have finally come home, and survival is sticking together. Jon has to fulfill what is needed to bring people together to fight the white walker's army so I don't think he is being a 'lone wolf'. If there is one, it is Benjen. It is about Little Finger. He is going down, trying to divide the wolves now will fail.

  8. Arya will die . Sansa will be the only Stark standing with John , her cousin by her side .
    Cause only Arya is a Stark who has nothing to live for except her kill list . She will either keep creating kill lists or she will hv no motive n I doubt she can survive without killing now .

    I hope Bran stays alive

  9. It's soo fucking clear and u took fuckin 9 mins to explain this shit.
    Rickon was alone that's he died, and now as everything is together they won't be dying! Sansa saved Jon by calling the nights of the Vale and now arya and bran will be joining them too, soo pack is back and strong.

  10. Everyone is so enraged that it was Sansa who said this quote… First of all, you people are stupid for hating Sansa. Second of all, you people are stupid that you don't consider that it was Arya who said it while wearing Sansa's face before killing Littlefinger, when he realises that both sisters together just played him.

  11. Nice vid. Got a subscribe from me because it's refreshing to hear an analysis that actually recognises these trailers are not designed to give everything away, and also most other GoT channels read all sorts of nonsense into the most insignificant details which is pretty tedious. Like your Twin Peaks coverage too btw.

  12. Pack = Starks
    The snow falls = the winter is here
    The white wounds = the white walkers
    Blows = fights
    The lone wolf dies = two or more will Starks die
    The Winds of Winter = the White Walkers of Winter
    Benjen and Arya = two lone wolfs will die

  13. I can see Sansa saying this to Arya. Maybe Arya goes to winterfell but wants to leave to kill cersei or find nymeria? And Sansa says this to keep her at winterfell so that the pack survives?

  14. Everyone is talking about the last dialogue " the lone wolf dies" …
    i think the lone wolf is benjin stark not Arya or John. since he is the only wolf who is alone from the beginning on the wall. Altough John did join the wall but he has different destiny and he is never alone. Also john is half wofl and half dragon. what do you all think?

  15. I also find it interesting that Sansa is the one saying these words, words that were spoken to Arya by their father…words, as illustrated in this video, she adapted, or paid homage to throughout her own survival…

  16. My hypothesis is that they all (Sansa, Arya, Jon, and Bran) survived by being lone wolves, but now they need each other more than not, they are stronger together, strength in numbers concept…so they must lose their lone wolf mentalities/behaviors, i.e. die, and develop altruistic, pack survival skills- they each have amazing skill sets and talents that can be brought together to solidify, and strengthen the Stark legacy…

  17. Ned is the lone wolf. His pack survives. Arya will say it. She will remove Sansas face after quoting what Ned said, and kill Little finger, affirming that she knows he betrayed Ned.

  18. I agree with you Pete.  Plain and simple.  That was my initial interpretation of 'the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives'.  Afterward I thought of a couple of others, since it appears to be Bran behind her at Weirwood; such as maybe she is concerned for Bran because he's now 3-eyed raven and may not be able to be as close with them physically, or perhaps Bran has seen Benjen die and told Sansa and she is referring to Benjen as lone wolf.  But, in general, I fall back to the first interpretation as a general statement by her (which she may say to Littlefinger) or which just is voiceover showing her true attitude.

  19. Ayra will tell Sansa along with Bran, what part LF had in her father's death, they will have him executed, I'm hoping it's Ayra but they won't just believe she's an assassin unless she had already proved it, so I believe it will be Brianne if not Ayra.

  20. It is a saying about unity… Jon Snow is The White Wolf. Benjen Stark could easily be The Lone Wolf, he is seperated and is North of The Wall. Sansa will play Littlefinger and trap or kill him, she will not betray Jon Snow. Brienne is now at Sansa's side and probably told her Arya is still alive… The Pack is House Stark reuniting. Jon, Sansa, Arya, Bran.


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