Full sequence with Tyrion Lannister Trial by Combat, the fight between Oberyn Martell “The Red Viper” and Gregor Clegane “The Mountain”. Concluding in Oberyn Martell’s death and die sentence to Tyrion Lannister

Season 4/ Episode 8



  1. he couldve easily chopped the mountains head clean off, thats the thing i hate about movies they spend too long talking, JUST KILL HIM OR HE IS GONNA GET UP AND KILL YOU IN A MINU– nevermind he already did it., f**kin idiot

  2. Anyone else have knowledge of the human body I think that scene was totally wrong be cause the red snake injury the mountain right in the stomach two times and other on the akilis tendon was very difficult make any kind of strength or even move, but no, the mountain cut even rise and much more crush the head until smash the brain, yeah right come on please.

  3. Guessing the writers are rapists consodering they actually let a rapist/murderer/child killer actually fucking win, seriously? I get the shows supposed to be fucked up but I really hope these writers are just depressed psychos that fucking end up killing themselves, nasty ass fucking sick-minded faggots.

  4. Imagine watching Robb Stark's death and this death for the very first time in your life in one single day In one sitting..yep that's me..I'm binging 😭 by far these two scenes have made me wanna stop watching altogether but I'll hold on


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