There are tons of interpretations of which character represents which god in the faith of the seven but this is just who came to mind for me after reading the description about them (Found in the World of Ice and Fire) – I’m going to put the description of each down here so you can read it and decide for yourself!
Hope you enjoy!

Father – Represents justice and presides over the souls of the dead
Mother – Represents peace, mercy, fertility and childbirth
The Warrior – Represents courage and dominance in battle
The Crone – Represents wisdom and is the knower of fates
The Smith – Represents the creator and presides over craftspeople and farmers
The Maiden – Represents innocence, love and beauty

The Stranger (who is not included in the song as GRRM never wrote a verse for him) – Represents the unknown and death. – Lots of people suggest Arya for this role.

Song: The Song of the Seven by Karliene –
(She is amazingly talented and does lots of GOT and other fandom related music, so definitely go check her out!)



  1. Karliene <3
    I usuly think of all the Starks when I hear this song, but we can see it in so many ways…. It leads to put Ned and Cat as Father and Mother, but it's so true Jon and Sansa are like 'ghost from the past' of them. I love that they are actually so alike ^^

  2. Oh my gosh I love it! Awesome, no more than awesome, video. I completely agree with your analogies of which character is which. I wish there was a verse for the stranger because I definitely feel that would be Arya.


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