The Game of Thrones fantasy HBO series finalized nearly two years ago, and yet, the story and its characters are still well-loved and discussed. Each character had their own unique and interesting qualities. Many of those qualities involved bravery and other heroic characteristics. It is truly hard to say which character was the true hero of Game of Thrones. In order to rank the 10 most heroic characters of Game of Thrones, we will need to dig deeper into what it means to be a hero.

So, what makes a hero? Someone who rescues people in need, who fights for honor and justice? Someone that is brave and devoted to their cause? A hero is defined as a legendary figure endowed with strength and ability, admired for their achievements and noble qualities. “One who shows great courage”, says the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

In order to narrow down the list of brave characters within the Game of Thrones, I will need to be specific to a certain set of traits. A courageous character with strength and ability who fights for honor and justice.

Here are my top 10:


“Hold the Door” Hodor, the simple and gentle giant with unfaltering loyalty, sacrificed himself for those he loved and the cause they fought for. Despite his character being quiet and kept on the sidelines, his role in the story was powerful and incredibly impactful. You simply can’t remember Hodor without his classic, one-word line. This alone gives him a place among the top 10 heroes in Game of Thrones.

9.Bran Stark

One of my favorite quotes from the Game of Thrones is when Bran asked his father, “Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?” to which Eddard replied, “That is the only time a man can be brave.” He learns early on what it means to be a hero. King Bran, the Three-Eyed-Raven eventually becomes the ruler of the Six Kingdoms.

Though he wasn’t your typical kind of hero, I still believe he deserves a spot among the top 10. Despite becoming a cripple, Bran faced anything and everything with an incredible amount of courage. You simply couldn’t put him in the top 10, despite your opinions of his role in the show’s finale.

8.Arya Stark


Arya, played by Maisie Williams, always knew she would be nothing like her sister, Sansa. She was tough and independent. She wanted to fight, to stand for something honorable and true. Though she was definitely deterred, she never stopped fighting and rising again after each fall with courage and ferocity. Her fighting skills and abilities improved steadily throughout the show because of sheer will and determination.

Though she was vengeful she doing everything she did for what she believed to be just and right. From the very start of the show, she is shown as being bold, independent, and full of brass. She wants to make her father proud and be a part of her family’s legacy. And by the end, she proves to do just that.

7. Lyanna Mormont

Lyanna’s death is a testament to her heroic qualities. This little girl, so fierce and brave, took on a giant zombie completely alone. I believe she absolutely is one of the top 10 most heroic in the Game of Thrones. 

Lyanna Mormont, played by Bella Ramsey, is only 10 years old when we meet her and becomes one of the most courageous and stubborn characters in the show. She grows into a strong fighter despite her youth and continually stands up for herself and her people. She takes on the role thrust upon her with her chin held high and pure determination clenched in her little fists. From the little we see of her, her bravery and courage is a lot to take in, thus deserving her a place on this list.

6. Grey Worm


Raised to become the warrior he was, as a member of the Unsullied, Grey Worm was a fearless and selfless warrior trained in combat to take on any opponent at any moment. After being freed by Daenerys, Grey Worm went to her side and nearly never left it despite being offered his freedom. Although he was raised to be a warrior, he was a special kind of brave with a hero’s heart. His entire story arc is a fantastic transformation of bravery, deserving him his place on this list.

5. Tormund Giantsbane


A role taken on by Kristofer Hivju, Tormund was willing on a mission to protect the people he loved. As fierce and wild as they come, Tormund was definitely a top 10 hero of Game of Thrones. He was strong, determined, and had skills in combat to wage against his enemies. Willing to risk his life at any moment, he held himself with bold assertion and refused to ever back down.

The Game of Throne’s popularity grew even more with his character added to the roster, especially with his love for Brienne of Tarth and the hilarity that came with it. It was the hero in him that loved the hero in her.

4. Daenerys Targaryen


You can’t have a Game of Thrones top 10 list of most heroic characters without having the Mother of Dragons on it. Daenerys Targaryen truly believed that she was the rightful ruler of the seven kingdoms. That confidence and bold assertion were necessary to ensure that she would never falter in her endeavor. She strove not only to be strong and powerful but to be wise and just. Daenerys isn’t afraid to admit her need for advisors and seeks out wisdom.

Dany worked to free the oppressed and change the world for the better. She wanted to make a positive impact, to be a queen that deserved her throne. Despite whatever hardships she faced, she remained calm and steady while still being fierce and bold. The Mother of Dragons was just that, a mother with empathy and unwavering loyalty to the lands she meant to rule and protect.

3. Tyrion Lannister


Despite having plenty of reasons to stray away from the fight, Tyrion never backed down when he was needed. He was a leader and an honorable advisor who worked for justice and truth. Tyrion is one of the 10 most heroic characters of Game of Thrones because, despite his stature, he used his wit and compassion to guide him and advise the ones he knew truly deserved that guidance. His goal was always to make the world a better place

With extreme courage, he leads soldiers during the Battle of the Blackwater after being abandoned. He always faced his fear in the face with bravery and all the fortitude of a true hero. You cannot help but respect Tyrion and his cause, following his transformation from the beginning to the end of the series.

2.Brienne of Tarth

Despite being a female, Brienne of Tarth was determined to be the best son that she could be to her father, Selwyn Tarth. She chose to be an honorable knight and continued to chose it no matter what horrible event she faced. Brienne never backed down from a fight and held her head high with pride and dignity always.

She takes her vows and oaths to heart and will do whatever she has in her power to hold herself to them. Her word meant more than probably any other character in the entire storyline. She held herself with humility and grace while also being extremely bold and assertive. Her strength, bravery, and willingness to fight for honor and truth put her solidly in the top 10 most heroic characters of Game of Thrones.

1. Jon Snow


Jon Snow is the number one most heroic character in Game of Thrones and has been since the beginning. It didn’t matter if Jon knew you or not, if you needed him, he would be there. A true hero for his bravery and skill in combat while fighting for not only those he loved but for the entire world around him. He truly fought for what he knew was right even when he believed there might be an easier way.

It didn’t matter to Jon where he ended up or what people thought of him, he had true integrity. Even after his initial death, he rose again to only continue his fight for justice and peace with even more fervor. His character is number one on my list of most heroic characters because I believe Jon embodied all of the qualities of a true hero. He was strong, honorable, trustworthy, dedicated, courageous, and fought for justice.

Well, there ya have it, folks. My list of top 10 heroes in the Game of Thrones. Do you agree? Is there another hero that you feel suits the list better? Maybe one that you don’t think fits the bill? Be sure to let me know in the comments below.

We are still waiting on George R.R. Martin’s next Game of Thrones book. It still seems quite far away, however.  We do have something to look forward to though! Make sure you look at the newly released first pictures of the Game of Thrones prequel due to release next year! The show should be rather exciting!



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