I’ve been a Game of Thrones fan for some time, having read all the books and now watched all of the TV series to this point. I immersed myself in the world and characters and drama…

…and I’ve come to the conclusion the writing on the TV show, is shieeet. Some fans of the show may disagree, but it seems to have jumped the shark, unless the next two books by G.R.R Martin will also suck in this fashion, proving it’s not just about the showrunners.

Yes, the culture war to do with feminism and social justice and all that stuff was just not enough for me, so now I’m just gunna go to war with THE ENTIRE INTERNET INSTEAD.

Note: I was testing out my new camera! I don’t think I got the focus right, but I’ll know how to make it crisper in the future (been playing around with it). ALSO: unusual for me but I screwed up the sound, and recorded it with the levels too hot and there’s distortion and clipping.

I apologise. If it’s not listenable well… yeah, sorry about that. I’ll take better care in the future.


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  1. The showrunners hit eject on the Littlefinger storyline, they wanted to set up an endgame for season 8 and Littlefinger didn't fit in it. GRRM will have something better for him.

  2. I arrived to GOT pretty late, when Season 4 was ending. So I started catching up on it and one of the character's storylines that I got pretty hooked too was Dragonlady's (what I called Daenerys when I first started). Its been frustrating to say the least in how her storyline has gone on the show, it has a decent build up, then she just sits around a city for like two or three seasons doing nothing. Then when she finally gets back to Westeros she spends the better part of a season sitting around again. Lady you got an army of crazy horsemen and three dragons, set some cities on fire ffs! But of course that would have been OP huh? I noticed the Starks and Lannisters got a LOT of plot armor from the writers. Then there is also that pet peeve of mine when it comes to the fantasy genre. Basically where Cersei this season was like "army of undead? pfff lies…". Really? Lady your brother was nearly eaten by fucking dragon and you have a red glowy eyed rape zombie as your personal body guard; army of frost zombies isn't too out there is it?!

  3. From the depth that GRRM applies to ASIOAF, i have a feeling that the books will make littlefinger's story much better, there is no way GRRM is lazy in creating a story

    Also GRRM and the showrunners are not on good terms, and pretty much GRRM is not happy with the direction of the show

    tldr: Littlefinger's story will continue to be good in the books; GRRM knows what he's doing and is not on the same level as the show runners

  4. I hated Littlefinger's death. Even when he started begging it was ridiculous. He knows sooooo many secrets he could have at least tried to buy some time by telling them he had information that they needed. He used ZERO skills to get out of that situation. I think he would have tried bargaining first and then at least vengefully regaled them with tales of all his manipulations if he KNEW for sure he was dying. They only knew the tip of the iceberg. I think he would have gone wanting them to know how truly fucked they were and how brilliant he was the whole time..

  5. Sucks? What are you comparing it to? Do you watch television? There are not a lot of really great TV shows and the has to be a reason for that. It's hard to do. Making TV is a business and like everything it's done mainly to make money there are budgets, time constraints etc which makes making money harder.l'm sure if there was a limitless capital and time to invest the show would meet all your expectations You may have a case if you are comparing it to the earlier episodes which had some very good qualities but it also had some really cringy parts and some absolutely shitty parts maybe it's not quite as good as it was . Everyone seems to remember the first seasons as being the perfect television. It wasn't. It was very good and the show is still good. Better than 95 percent of everything else on It certainly doesn't suck

  6. The thing about Robb is that he put himself in a stupid situation and he paid the price for that. Unlike Jon Snow in the Battle of the Bastards, which survives 1 million arrows that hit around him. Jon Snow is just Jesus now, the invicible boring guy that everybody loves.

    The conclusion is great, great video btw

  7. I like the fact that you said that the next 2 books could be bad too. I never really thought of that possibility.
    My personal main problem is that it's often too predictable now, like I saw everything coming a mile away.

  8. I loved that at the end! As funny as it is, it's gotten to the point where it feels like you have to apologize for liking something everyone hates. But yeah, that show wasn't near as bad as so many have made it out to be – The Defenders was really good – (though i've heard people bitching bout that too so ah… whatever).

  9. Robb Stark didnt put himself in danger for no reason. If you have ever been in love you would know that love is a very big reason. Especially to a young man. Just because he isnt perfectly honorable doesnt make him inconsistent as a character. He went for the freis to get the forces he needed to win the war. It backfired but he had a reason for it. Maybe he was naive about but that is consistent with his age.

  10. I definitely agree, but it was still pretty fun to watch. I'll watch the final season, but I'm looking forward to the books more (although the quality of those is getting a little worryingly shitty too).

  11. GoT has become like the WWE where characters are being written out because the writers have nothing for them. Most people say that the genius of GRRM is that he "bucks the trend" in fantasy. I disagree. I think his genius lies in his ability to tell a story from multiple perspectives and make you care about each of those perspectives. Dan and Dave on the other hand seem to be writing out all the characters capable of giving those perspectives simply because they are unable to handle it. The only characters left are the ones that can be collected together into the major plotline that is now being told in a more linear fashion. All of the other complaints (plot armor, time travel etc.) are a symptom of this. The main characters don't have plot armor in the books because GRRM always has another character who can pick up the torch. He can also create the illusion of time passing by simply shifting focus to another character and then coming back to the traveling character once they've arrived at their destiny. Dan and Dave can't do any of this anymore because they've killed off/written out all the characters that would serve this purpose.

    I can't remember the exact number but there's an article that says there's something between 30 or 40 characters that are still alive in the books that are dead in the tv series. Dan and Dave seem to be trying to recreate the spectacle of Ned's and Rob's deaths. The reason people talk about those deaths aren't because they are spectacles. They talk about them because they drastically impacted the characters and the direction of the plot. That gets people more invested in the story. It's hard to get invested when none of the surviving characters seem to give a shit about those deaths or other circumstances. Like when we don't hear a peep from Beric when Thoros dies, or when none of the characters even remember that Cersei has Elleria held captive, or when Bran basically tells Meera "GTFO" after she protected his ass for several seasons. The whole show has been turned into fan service where it says "Don't worry, we know who the fan favs are!" Even the characters themselves seem to be passively aware of it (that awful R+L=J scene) . That all serves to make the series boring and predictable which is something the show promised not to be.

  12. The acting in GOT leaves a lot to be desired. Littlefinger was lucky that he did almost nothing because if he was forced to act… dear god. He was awful as the Mayor in the Wire, and even got out-acted by Jason Statham in one of his movies.

    Jon Snow is wooden as hell, with his one facial expression that looks like he's just caught a whiff of dogshit, and Theon Greyjoy is basically Shaggy from Scooby-doo, but with fewer lines – cringing whilst looking like a hippy.
    I wonder what Grr Martin makes of the piss poor acting from lots of the cast?

  13. yep, that time in season 1 Danny walked into the fired and she totally burned, just like how stupid people had it coming. Or that other time when Arya Stark give a coin to a rando sailor and then got sold into slavery. Or that other time when Jon walked into the traitor bumper sticker and died for good. If there's one logic that's consistent in the show, it would be that whenever the logic aspect clash with the supernatural aspect, the supernatural aspect wins.

    About little finger, his plan was to gain control of the north through Sansa, and then uses the north to either make an independent kingdom, or to conquer the South. It is a sound plan. Given the the information he had at the time, it was only Sansa and Jon, who had claims over Winterfell (and Sansa's claim was stronger). On top of that Jon is rather uninterested so he can be easily dealt with at any point. The main weak point of this plan is that it rely heavily on Sansa being on his side (that's why he has to stick around Sansa – and he's still right up to this point: Sansa was never close to Jon, but with Little finger they spent a decent amount of time together. they "went through" good and bad times so to say). It is one of the few options has. Due to the fact that Little finger on his own doesn't have any claim, his only option is to marry and being able to control a queen. Sansa is a perfect target – a girl with no power and a claim to the North. His plan, however, was complicated with the return of Bran and Arya (who, by this point, are both supernatural forces. Do the math 2 supernatural force vs 1 logical force. And Bran has a better claim). Little Finger assertion that he will lose control over Sansa as she got closer to her family is correct. While the dialogue is somewhat sloppy, Little Finger at this point has to separate Sansa from her family if he wants to stay relevant in the "game". (It's also worth noting that if Bran and Arya didn't return, Little finger should have taken Jon out of the picture and there by gain effective control over the north. The guy wasn't just standing around).

  14. It's seems like the show has gone from a more writing favored show to a more from directing favor show. Going more from challenging the audiences emotions than intellect. It's kind of like the difference between watching something written/directed by David Mamet to something written/directed by Steven Spielberg. Not saying one is worse than the other just that they are different styles. Have you watched some of the older episodes with a lot of action in them? The Battle of Blackwater Bay seems rather tame and flat compared to something like Battle of the Bastards. Not in terms of stakes just in overall presentation. So it all depends on what you want in the show. While I see a lot of the complaints to me the execution, performances, cinematography, the musical score, and costumes are still top notch and makes it easy to overlook or at least not get too bothered by it's shortcomings.

  15. The highlight for me in this half season of Game of Thrones was Olenna. She caused so much suffering to the Lannister family that they will never recover from it.

    Unless the writers continue down this road of happy endings. I half expect everyone who died (that the fans liked) to be brought back as kick ass ghostly allies next year.

  16. The problem with GoT is not that the showrunners are bad at telling the story – it's that GRRM is bad at telling the story. If he stuck to the philosophy that made his reputation, Jon Snow would have stayed dead and either Littlefinger or the Night King would end up king of Westeros. But GRRM doesn't have the balls to kill off the Starks.
    Not that the showrunners are any better. They are a couple of rich twats, probably living in the Hamptons. They lucked out on getting a show that captured the zeitgeist, and they're laughing all the way to the bank.

  17. Agree – I spoiled the episodes for myself, skipped through the crap and only watched the exciting bits. As the show grows bigger they have to cater more and more to the growing fan base, which is of course dumber because it's much larger. The profit motive makes entertaining about giving people what they want instead of what the artist wants. Hence capitalism ruins the entertainment industry. Xexizy has a great video on that

    People who say season 7 was great are either braindead fanboys or are hyping it on purpose to keep the views rolling in.

  18. A big reason I've heard for the quick and dirty fan service that have been this and even last season is the pay. The star actors started out making like $300k an episode, which is now well over $1mil. In spite of how much they're making on the show, that's gotta be pricey.

  19. I wholeheartedly agree. As a huge GoT/ASoIF fan this season in particular has been rather disappointing. Some cool moments for sure, but overall it feels like fanfiction. It's led me to believe the showrunners are really amazing at adapting material, but quite shit at writing their own work. It's a shame, hopefully the season 8 will turn it around. Also, dunno if you were getting the season wrong as a joke, but it cracked me up.

  20. Sorry man, there's a reason the TV show is so unbelievably popular, it's because it's a straight up incredible program. The acting, plot summarisation and cinematography are spot on. They did the best they could possibly do with the time, money and resources they had available and they NAILED it. They managed to appeal to many of the book fans, fantasy fans and the general public. If that's not a win I don't know what is.


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